Faculty List

Millikin Faculty: A Tradition of Excellence

To locate the name of a Millikin University faculty member, the years they served the university, and the department, select from the alphabetical listing below.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z

Last Name, First Name. Years Served - Department


  • Abendroth, Emerson I. 1947-1954 Religion
  • Aby, Stephen 1981-1982 Sociology
  • *Acheson, Edward 1979-2014 Chemistry
  • Adams, Byron Laurens 1936-1941 Art
  • Adams, Caroline 1947-1949, 1957-59 Music- Voice
  • Adams, John B. 1960-1961 Education
  • Adams, Ruth 1954-1959 Home Economics
  • Adams-Curtis, Leah 1992-1994 (PT), 1995- Behavioral Sciences- Psychology
  • *Adell, Arvid 1970-2001 Philosophy
  • Adell, Karen 1978-1979 Nursing
  • Adelman, Ruth 1925-1927 Operating Room Technician
  • Adkins, Charles Edson 1940-1945 English
  • Agersborg, Helmer Pareli Von Wold Kjerschow 1924-1928 Biology
  • Aguerrevere, Angela Demetrio 1926-1929 Modern Languages
  • Ahrens, E.G. 1925-1927 Tuberculosis Instructor
  • Ainsworth, Susan 2022- Nursing
  • Akers, Howard 1946-1953 Music-Band
  • Akins, Janice 1987-1988 English
  • Alabi, Adetayo 1999- English
  • Albert, Chester B. 1947-1948 Industry
  • Albrecht, Matthew 2013-2023 Theatre & Dance
  • Alderson, Glenn Allen 1929-1931 Manual Arts
  • Alesi, Danielle 2021- History
  • Alesii, Julie 1985-1986 Languages
  • Alex, Anna 2019-2020 Theatre
  • Alexander, John 1990-1995 Assistant Football Coach
  • Allan, Ellen Margaret 1955-1956, 1960-1963 English
  • *Allan, Ralph W. 1937-1939, 1947-1981 Physical Education
  • Alldridge, Joann 1975-1978 Physical Education
  • *Allen, John C. 鈥淛ack鈥 1949-51, 1953-56, 1962-1987 Admissions
  • Allgeier, Patrick 1996- Physical Education
  • *Allin, Eugenia 1903-1910, 1914-1947 Library
  • Allison, Robert 1980-1982 Music
  • Allitt-Wheeler, Susan 2001-2003 Management Information
  • Almanza, Daniel 2012-2013 Communication
  • *Alpi, Sharon Taylor 1990-2015 Business
  • Alsobrook, Henry F. 1968-1969 Business-Economics
  • Amaya Lemus, Elizabeth O. 2008-2015 Modern Languages- Spanish
  • Amelotti, Emil L. 1930-1932 Physics
  • Anderson, Karen Hunter 1986-1988 English
  • Anderson, Rebecca 1987-1988 Biology
  • *Anderson, William P. 1957-1990 Biology
  • Andrew, Alfred N. 1965-1969 Speech
  • Andrews, Keller 2021- Physics
  • Andrist, Charles Martin 1923-1924 Modern Languages
  • Angus, Robert 1985-1986 Religion-Assistant
  • Ankeny, A.Faith 1928-1930 Director of Nurses/Principal
  • Aper, Jeffery 2014-2021 Provost
  • Appel, Veva June 1936-1939 Music-Violin
  • Appleby, Robert F. 1951-1953 Physical Education-Coach
  • Aravena, Carmen 2005-2024 International Education/Admissions
  • Ari帽o-Marti, Sofie 1990-1992 Modern Languages- Spanish
  • Armitage, Catherine S. 1965-1968 Library
  • Armstrong, Maurice R. 1952-1957 Chemistry
  • Arrison, John D. 1979-1982 Computer Center
  • Arvola, Denny 1981-1982 Business-Marketing
  • Ashby, Lillie 1908-1913 Music-Piano
  • Ashby, Shelley 2011-2014 Nursing
  • Ashmore, James N 1904-1907, 1909-1914 Physical Education
  • Askill, John 1966-2003 Physics
  • Atkins, Martin 2017- Music
  • Atlass, Golda M. 1905-1906 Modern Languages- German
  • Ator, James D. 1971-1973 Music
  • Ator, Mary 1971-1972 Music
  • Aucott, Ruth 1971-1973 Physical Education
  • Auer, Emma 1966-1967 Business-Communications
  • Aukamp, Virginia 1979-1986 Nursing
  • Austin, William Ray (Roy) 1909-1910 Music-Piano
  • Auton, Julia 2020- Nursing
  • Avery, Mark 2003-2013 Music
  • Avery, Susan 1998-2004 Library
  • Ayo, Alvaro A. 1998-2000 Modern Languages- Spanish

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  • Babicki, Gudren 1978-1979 Modern Languages-Spanish
  • Bach, Bert C. 1970-1975 English/Education
  • Bach, Diana 1973-1975 English
  • Bacon, Mark R. 1975-1979 Chemistry
  • Baer, Somoman R. 2001-2015 Music
  • Bailey, Charles H. 1903-1905 Manual Training
  • Bailey, Julius 1998-2000 Philosophy
  • Baird, Karen 1971-1973, 1984-1986 Biology
  • *Baird, Neil M. 1970-2005 Biology
  • Baker, Candace 2003- Communication
  • Baker, Don Hobart 1933-1936 Business
  • Baker, Emma L. 1903-1914, 1915-1917 Ceramics
  • Baker, Frederick H. 1904-1914 Music-Piano
  • Bales, Lori 2000- Theatre & Dance
  • Ball, Larry 1963-1964 Music-Woodwinds
  • Ballowe, James C. 1961-1963 English
  • Balthrop, David 1984-1988 Theatre
  • Banerjee, Purna 2005-2016 English
  • Barber, Andrew 1968-1969 Biology
  • Barber, Rollin 1964-1967 Sociology
  • Barding, Patty 2012-2014 Nursing
  • Barker, Elizabeth 1981-1984 Communications/Theatre
  • Barnabe, Elizabeth 1985-1999 Music-Vocal
  • Barnes, Ira B. 1958-1960 Chemistry
  • Barnes, Lynn M. 1918-1919, 1922-1927 Instructor- Obstetrics
  • Barnes, Pamela 2019-2022 Education
  • Barnes, Paris 2006- Chemistry
  • Barnet, Dawn R. 1966-1967 English
  • Barnett, Carol 1953-1954 Music-Piano
  • *Barnett, Wallace 1953-1963, 1964-1984, (1968-1991 FT) Music/ Admissions
  • Barr, Herbert Howard 1921-1922 Music-Music Education
  • Barr, John R. 1977-1978 Business
  • Barter-Storm, Brandy 2014-2020 English
  • Bartholomew, Mary Jean 1954-1955 Religion
  • Bateman, Charles 1967-1974 Education
  • Bates, Carol E. 1962-1963 Modern Languages-Spanish
  • Bates, David A. 1968-1975 Music-Piano
  • Bates, Julie 2016- English
  • Batshon, Badi A. 1963-1973 Biology
  • Bauer, Joanne 2008-2011 PACE
  • Baum, George C. 1927-1929 Music-Violin
  • Baumann, Gwendalyn 2007-2013 Chemistry
  • Baysinger, Sonya 1985-1986 Art
  • Beaman, Frank 1987-1988 Communications
  • Bear, Leah Louise 1914-1918 Music-Education
  • *Beck, Randal 1979-2017 Mathematics-Computer Science
  • Beck, Stephen L. 1979-1983, 1984-1985 Music
  • Becker, Carol E. 2003-2016 Medical Technology
  • Becker, John C. (R.) 1950-1951 Secretarial Science
  • Becker, Karen 1984-1986 English
  • Becker, Stella 1923-1924 Instructor-Public Health
  • Beckett, Evelyn Alene 1918-1920 Chemistry
  • Beebe, Paul 1923-1924 Music- Cello
  • Beer, Michael 1990-1995 Business
  • Beisner, Eugene J. 1959-1961 Music/History & Political Science
  • Belford, Marvin 1966-1968 Music
  • Belford, Phebe 1966-1968 Music-Flute
  • Bell, C. Elliott 1933-1936 University Physician
  • Bell, Chan 1978-1980 Physical Education
  • Bell, Kathleen 1990-1993 Music
  • Bell, Michele 1967-1968 Languages
  • Bell, Theodore L. 1958-1960 Biology
  • Bell, Viola Maria 1935-1956 Home Economics
  • Bellis, William 1918-1926 Mathematics
  • Belt, Virginia McKemie 1953-1959 Business
  • Benabess, Najiba 2016-2022 Economics, Dean Tabor School of Business
  • Bench, Morris 1947-1949 Modern Languages
  • Benjamin, David 1965-1966 Business
  • *Benner, Denny 1963-1991 Industrial Engineering
  • Bennett, David 1990-1991 Communication
  • Bennett, George 1997- Chemistry
  • Bennett, Judith 1966-1967 Psychology
  • Bennett, Richard B. 1961-1963 Chemistry
  • Bentley, Angela 2017- Nursing
  • Benton, Jodi 1998-1999 Education
  • Berg, James P. 1964-1965 History & Political Science
  • Berg, Marguerite K. 1959-1964 Religion
  • Berg, Michale A.G. 1993-1994 Chemistry
  • Berger, Sidney 1980-1981 English
  • Bernabo, Lawrance 1987-1988 Communication
  • Berry, Daryl E. 1965-1967 Education
  • Berry, William F. 1952-1963 Mathematics
  • Bessinger, David 1981-1985 Music-Lecturer
  • Bethel, Marguerite 1930-1936 Dir. Nurses/Principal
  • Bets, Arija 1969-1970 Modern Languages-German
  • Bettendorf, Anne 1991-1995 Biology
  • Betty, Paula 1968-1970 Library-Reference
  • Beyers, Luella 1977-1978 Mathematics
  • Bezdicek, Joyce 2010-2022 Education
  • Bhadauria, Amita 2021-2023 Marketing
  • *Bibb, John F. (Rick) 1982-2022 Business-Marketing
  • Bicicchi, Rachel 2010- Library, Director of Online Learning
  • Bielenberg, John 1979-1981 Music
  • Bieler, Eleanore Rose 1951-1952 Speech
  • Biggs, Esther M. 1935-1936 English
  • Bilger, Erika 2021- Biology
  • Bilhorn, Vivian 1970-1971 Music-Voice
  • Bingham, John 1981-1982 Music-Marching Band Dir.
  • Bishop, Bessie Anna 1914-1917 Home Economics
  • Bishop, Mel 1963-1966 Physical Education
  • Bishop, Rick 2000-2001 Part time adjunct faculty
  • Biswas, Mahua 2018-2020 Physics
  • Bittle, Ray B. 1965-1967 Modern Languages
  • Bivens, Charlotte 2005- Nursing
  • Black, James 1954-1956 Religion/Dean of Chapel
  • Black, Mary 2009- Theatre & Dance, 2021- Provost
  • *Blackburn, Bonnie Rebecca 1909-1913, 1914-June 1956 Modern Languages-French
  • Blair, Harold 1974-1976 English
  • Blakeman, John 2015-2020 Nursing
  • Blanco, Joel 2016- Exercise Science & Sport
  • Blankenship, Samantha 2012-2013 Exercise Science & Sport
  • Blayney, Chester William 1950-1952 Business
  • Blickem, Kim 2015-2020 Exercise Science & Sport
  • Blickensderfer, Al 1983-2002 Music
  • Boatman, Maurice 1964-1976 Library Director
  • *Boaz, Mildred M. 1981-1999 English
  • Bobek, Susan 1979-1980 Nursing
  • Bock, Christine 1993-2009 Music
  • *Bodamer, William G. 1965-1997 Religion
  • *Boehmer, Ray 1998-2015 Education
  • Bogart, Katherine 1942-1944 Classical Languages
  • Bohl, Henry Alfred 1914-1922 Engineering
  • Bolen, Max C. 1948-1959 Physics
  • Bollinger, John 2009-2012 PACE
  • Bolser, Barbara Library
  • Bolser, Chad M. 1996-1999 Physical Education
  • Bonefeste, Joseph 2003-2006 Italian
  • Bonomo, Thomas 1978-1980 Sociology
  • Bonus, Daniel H. 1913-1914 Music-Director
  • Bonynge, Caroline 2008-2011 Head Soccer Coach
  • *Booker, Kathy J. 1991-2016 Nursing
  • Booker, Terri 1981-1982 English
  • Booth, David 1981-1985 Mathematics
  • Bopp, Stephen 1976-1977, 1978-1980 Psychology
  • Borah, Bernard 1993-1994 Music
  • Borch, Rose Alice 1913-1922 Music-Voice
  • Borders, Ann 2006-2024 Music
  • *Borei, Karin 1999-2008 Library - Director
  • Bosley, Deborah 1980-1986 English
  • Bosse, Joanna 1998-2002 Music
  • *Boston, Bryce 1984-1996 Admissions
  • Bottorf, James E. 1971-1978 Political Science
  • Boudreaux, Catalina G. 2000-2004 Physics
  • Bourey, Alan 1978-1981 Business
  • Bovine, Thomas 2000-2001 Communication 
  • Bower, Edna Loraine 1910-1912 Music-Piano
  • Bowers, Jolynda 1982-1984 Music 
  • Boyd, Alvin L. 1972-1976 Mathematics
  • Boyd, Anne Morris 1906-1913 Library
  • *Boyer, Edward Sterling 1930-1955 Religion
  • Bracket, Peggy Apperson 1951-1952 Music-Piano
  • Bradway-Hesse, Becky 1999-2002 English
  • Bragg, Lucile Margaret 1910-1938 Languages
  • Brainard, Edith M. 1947-1951 Library-Director
  • Brand, Jeffrey 2001-2014 Communication
  • Braniger, Carmella 2003-2024 English
  • Brannan, Robert E. 1918-1919 Physical Education
  • Brannon, Michael 1974-1980 Physical Education
  • Bransby, Joseph J. 1904-1909 Engineering-Foundry
  • Braun, Michael 2013-2015 Communication
  • Brazada, Alice 1943-1944 Business-Secy. Science
  • Brazzel, Russel 1991-1995 Music
  • Breed, Paul 1963-1964 Speech
  • Brennen, Bernice 1920-1922 Music-Piano
  • Brenner, Douglas F. 1985-1988 Communications
  • *Brewer, Raymond Rush 1935-1962 Religion/Admissions
  • Bridge, Mark 1990-1995 Psychology
  • Brilley, Amy 2015- Director of Information Technology
  • Brink, Carl 1990-1995 Mathematics
  • Briody, David M. 1966-1969 Speech
  • Briscuso, Joseph J. 1962-1963 Music
  • Britt, John A. 1985-1986 Computer Science/P.E.
  • Broadbear, Barbara 2016- Exercise Science & Sport
  • Brockway, Minnie 1913-1914 Home Economics-Millinery
  • Brook, Alice 1990-1991 Music
  • Brooks, Lori 1965-1966 Music-Piano
  • *Brooks, Randy 1990-2022 English
  • Brown, Barbara J. 1972-1974 Library-Music Librarian
  • Brown, Bryce K. 1946-1964 Mathematics
  • Brown, Castle Marlott 1924-1927 Political Science
  • Brown, Dale 1966-1967, 1968-1970 Engineering
  • Brown, Florence Mabel 1916-1923 Music-Violin, Piano
  • Brown, Francis R. 1946-1949 Mathematics
  • Brown, James A. 1998-2003 Physics
  • Brown, Joan 1995-1999 Behavioral Sciences
  • Brown, Kenneth 1989-1996 Spanish
  • Brown, L. Paul 1956-1957 Music-Violin
  • Brown, Mary 1999-2000 Music
  • *Brown, Michael 2002-2023 Accounting
  • Brown, Myrtle 1925-1927 Nursing-Obstetrics
  • Brown, Pembroke Holcomb 1956-1957 Business-Economics
  • Brown, Perla 2003-2005 Music
  • Brown, Ruth Lovelace 1918-1924 Music-Piano/Organ
  • Brown, Willard 2004-2014 Mathematics
  • Browne, James H. 1981-1988 Business
  • *Browning, L. Clyde 1958-1977 Education
  • Brummett, Verna 1990-1991 Music
  • Brunk, Jeremy 2000- Music 
  • Brusch, Brian 1998-1999
  • Bryant, Earle Ruskin 1910-1912 Biology
  • Bryant, Harriet W. 1905-1906 Music-Registrar
  • Buchar, Kimberly 2000-2002 Music
  • Bucher, Eloise 1913-1916 Music-Voice
  • Buck, Christopher G. 1997-1999 Religion
  • Buck, Miriam 1946-1948 Chemistry
  • Buday, Kathleen 2018-2019 Art
  • Budrow, Jenifer 1971-1972 Dance
  • Bull, Helen Sather 1949-1950 Library-Assistant Librarian
  • Bullock, Chris 1996-2006 Communications WJMU)
  • Bunn, Edna M. 1913-1914 Music-Pipe Organ
  • Burden, Jeffrey K. 1990-1994 Art
  • *Burdick, David H. 1989-2023 Music
  • Burgstahler, Audrey K. 1950-1952, 1954-1956 Music-Instruments
  • Burgstahler, Elton E. 1950-1956 Music
  • Burhorn, John F., Jr. 1956-1961 Religion/Dean of Chapel
  • Burke, Paul 1913-1914 Music
  • Burleson, Robert 1980-1981 Physical Education
  • Burling, Beverley Burdette 1913-1916 Electrical Engineering
  • Burris, Quincy Guy 1930-1932 English
  • Burroughs, James B. 1972-1973 Communications
  • Burton, Laurel A. 1976-1978 Religion-Chaplain
  • Burton, Mary Kay 1977-1978 Music-Voice
  • Burtschi, Andrew 1999-2009 Music
  • Busch, Karl H.D. 1952-1956 Biology
  • Buskirk, Carl Van 1941-1946 Music-Voice
  • *Butler, Thomas 1967-1989 Education
  • Butterfield, Frederic Curtis 1928-1932 Music-Piano
  • Butts, Jack 1964-1967 Physical Education
  • Butts, Wilbur Kingsley 1929-1931 Biology
  • Byers, Frank H. 1956-1957 Political Science
  • Byler, Ezra 1988-2002 Business-Finance
  • Bziukiewicz, Brygida 2000-2002 Music

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  • *Cabrera, Eduardo 2005-2022 Spanish
  • Cadieux, Aline-Marie 1992-1996 (PT 91-92) Music
  • Caldwell, Carla 1950-1951 Music-Voice
  • Calhoun, Larry D. 1963-1970 Art
  • Camp, Janet 1971-1975 Physical Education
  • Campbell, Elizabeth 1929-1932 Home Economics
  • Campbell, Robert A. 1962-1964 English
  • Canning, Art 2001- Business- Management
  • Cannon, Virginia 1958-1959 English
  • Cantrell, Helen Gene 1920-1921 Music-Piano/Voice
  • Carbaugh, Jenni 1997-1999 Music
  • Carey, Frank J. 1962-1970 Music-Piano
  • Carey, Phillip 2000-2001 Sociology (part-time)
  • Cargill, Meredith A. 2000- Communication
  • Carlock, John R. 1978-1979 Biology
  • Carlson, Marlan 1966-1967 Music
  • Carlson, Rosemary 2001- Chemistry
  • Carr, Ann 1980-1981 Physical Education
  • Carrigan, Brian J. 1989-1998 Physics
  • Carroll, Herbert Allen 1923-1924 Speech
  • Carson, A. Max 1964-1975 Industrial Engineering
  • Carson, Robb 1914-1916 Business
  • Carter, Nancy Jo 1984- Nursing
  • Carter, Robert L. 1963-1965 Assistant Library
  • Carter, Spencer 2001- Music
  • Casey, William Cornell 1918-1924 History & Political Science
  • Cashen, Robert 1977-1978 Communications
  • Cassity, Leonard H. 1903-1904 Applied Arts
  • Castaneda, Concepcion 1967-1978 Modern Lang.- Spanish
  • Castelaw, Rush E. 1929-1930 Suprtdt. Dec. & Macon Co. Hospt.
  • Catt, Harold V. 1950-1951 Business-Accounting
  • Causey, David 1919-1920 Biology
  • Chamberlain, Donald J. 1986-1988 Music
  • Chambers, Mary D. 1903-1906 Home Economics
  • Chambers, Sherman David (Daniel) 1919-1921 Mathematics/Civil Eng.
  • Chamblin, Cheryl Cohn 1984- Business-Economics
  • Chamblin, Richard 2000- Business-Accounting
  • Chaney, Rita 1991-1994 Psychology
  • Chapman, Beverly 1994- English/Education
  • Chapman, Larry 1968-1975 Mathematics
  • Chapman, Merle 1967- Physical Education
  • Charbeneau, Abigail 1997-1999 Music
  • Cheaney, Stephen 1973-1976 Physical Education
  • Chesson, Diane 1975-1976 English
  • Childs, Edna 1908-1912, 1915-1916, 1927-1953 Music-Piano
  • Chiligiris, Martha 1965-1966 Music-Piano
  • Chittum, Stella Mae 1920-1936 Music-Piano
  • Christiansen, Philip 2000-2001 Music (part-time)
  • Christiansen, Sigurd 1964-1965 Music-Piano
  • Christie, Jessy Roy 1920-1922 Biology
  • Christman, Paul 1995-2000 Music-Theatre
  • Chuang, Gloria 1987-1988 Music
  • Clark, Henriette Lawton (Miller) 1927-1936 Music-Piano
  • Clark, Mary Ann 1958-1959 Music-Piano
  • Clark, Nita 1924-1928 Music-Piano/Organ
  • Clarke, Anita Healy 1970-1971 Modern Lang.- French
  • Clarke, Myra Brewster 1907-1909 Home Economics
  • Clarke, William J. 1970-1971 Music-Voice
  • Cleary, Joseph 1979-1984 Chemistry
  • Clevenger, Candace 1990-1991 Business-Accounting
  • Cline, Marie 1931-1933 Music-Piano
  • Clocksin, Brian 1997- Physical Education
  • Cobb, Dorothy W. 1958-1961, 1962-63 Modern Languages
  • Cobb, Elinor Frances (Rodgers) 1931-1933, 1948-57 Music-Violin
  • Cobb, Herbert Logan 1950-1955 Modern Languages
  • Cobb, Susan 1974,1976, 1984-1995, 1977- Music-Prep. Dept.
  • Coffin, Margaret 1917-1918 Home Economics?
  • Cole, Harold Arthur 1909-1912, 1925-1926 Music-Piano
  • *Cole, Lorell Mortimer 1906-1944 Engineering
  • Cole, Richard Holton 1941-1947 Engineering
  • Colegrove, M. Elizabeth 1903-1912 Modern Languages
  • Coleman, Wayne D. 1954-1957 Mathematics/ Engineering
  • Colin, Christine 1998- History
  • Collier, Bertha Elsie 1919-1924 Biology
  • Collins, Carol 1981-1982 Mathematics
  • Collins, Clyde E. Jr. 1982-1983 Mathematics
  • Collins, James 1985-1992 Music
  • Collins, Richard L. 1970-1976 Music
  • Collins, William H. 1961-1963 Engineering
  • Collinson, Charles 1980-1984 English
  • Comerio, Michale 1984-1985 Business-Marketing
  • Conant, Grace Patten 1906-1926 English
  • Conard, Harriett Zoe 1922-1928 Music-Kindergarten
  • Connell, Fred J. 1973-1978 Mathematics
  • Connell, Tschera Harkness 1973-1975, 1983-1986 Library-Cataloger
  • Conner, Norma 1925-1926 Speech/Music
  • Connolly, Patrick 1985-1988 English
  • Connors, Charlotte Z. 1925-1927 Anesthesia instructor
  • Contreras, Frank 1966-1967 Music-Piano
  • Cook, Gary 1984-1985 Physical Education
  • Cook, James 1979-1982 Physical Education
  • Cooprider, David R. 1962-1963 Library
  • Corbin, Rose 1912-1913 Music-Piano
  • Corder, Bobbie Lucile 1929-1936 Physical Education
  • Cordulack, Shelley 1974-1994 PT, 1995- Art
  • Cornille-Cannady, Laura 2000-2001 Adjunct faculty (part-time)
  • Corwin, Mildred L. 1956-1957 Music-Piano
  • Coryell, Sandra Deaton 1984- Music
  • Corzatt, Clifton E. 1966-1968 Mathematics
  • Corzine, Lena 1920-1922 Home Economics
  • Cotner, Trudi 1987-1988 Business-Marketing
  • Courtois, Stephen 1985-1986 Psychology
  • Cousins, Peter B. 1960-1961 English
  • Covington, Sidney 1903-1904
  • Cox, Florence Wood 1949-1951, 1953-1954 Education
  • Cox, Gerald D. 1948-1949 Business-Administration
  • Coy, Darwin 1964-1973 Biology
  • Crandall, Harriet E. 1903-1906 English
  • *Crannell, Harriett 1967-1994 Physical Education *1994
  • Cranor, Katherine Taylor 1919-1920 Home Economics
  • Crantz, Lois Adams 1946-1947 Music-Piano/Voice
  • Craven, Steven 1992-1993 Music
  • Crawford, Barry 1967-1969 English
  • Crawford, Kenneth 1969-1972 Mathematics
  • Crea, Lillian 1918-1919 Modern Languages- French
  • Creason, Nancy 2000- Nursing- Dean
  • Crew, John E. 1961-1963 Physics
  • Crisler, Larry 1975- Behavioral Sciences
  • Crooks, Helen 1907-1907 Home Economics
  • Crosier, Arthur Boone 1914-1917 Business
  • Cross, John 1977-1978 Geography
  • Crowe, Judith 1998- Writing Center
  • Crowley, Cheryl K. 1982-1984 Sociology
  • Crowley, Dennis 2000- Psychology
  • Crowley, Elizabeth 1978-1980 English
  • Cruce-Mast, Ada 1975-1976 Education
  • Cuddeback, Georgia 1979-1980 Psychology
  • Cunningham, Earl C. 1946-1947 Philosophy/Psychology
  • Curdling, Miriam 1921-1923 Home Economics
  • Curry, Catherine 1927-1928 Music-Piano
  • Curtin-Alwardt, Nancy 1997- Communications
  • Curtis, Roy Emerson 1915-1917 Business
  • Cutler, Marjorie Persis 1928-1929 Music-Education
  • Czajka, Brian 1999- Physical Education
  • Czajkowski, Kenn 1997-2000 Physical Education
  • Czerwinski, Ralph 1979- Mathematics

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  • Dahl, James G. 1990- Business
  • Dale, Sarah 1914-1916 Modern Lang.- German
  • Dalheim, Barbara 1985- Music-Voice
  • Dalluge, Sylvia 1963-1966 Modern Lang.- Spanish
  • Damashek, Richard 1987-1988 English
  • Daniels, Frances 2000- Music
  • Danner, Phyllis 1974-1976 Music
  • Danni, Doris Lee 1948-1949 Music-Voice
  • Dansby, Eunice 1990-1995 Music
  • Darling, Elton Richmond 1920-1925 Chemistry
  • Darrow, Ruth 1910-1912 Music-Voice/Theory
  • Dasch, Dorothy 1904-1905 Music-Voice
  • Davenport, David 1978-1979 Geography
  • Davenport, Roger 1979-1980 Music
  • Davenport, Stephen M. 1990-1996 English
  • Davis, Christopher 1996-1998 Theatre-Tech Dir.
  • Davis, Jack 2000- History
  • Davis, John 2000-2001 Adjunct faculty (part-time)
  • Davis, Lelah-Bell 1916-1923 Modern Lang.- French
  • Davis, Steven 1981-1985 Business-Law
  • *Dawald, Victor F. 1950-1966 Education *1964
  • Dawes, De Ann O. 1971-1972 Communications?
  • Deam, Thomas Marion 1922-1923, 1924-1925 Education-lecturer
  • Dean, Ronnie 1985- Music-Millitrax
  • Deardorff, David 1993-1995 Writing Specialist
  • Deardorff, Michelle D. 1991- Political Science
  • DeBlasio, Eugene Don 1975-1976 Journalism
  • DeBoer, Katherine 1993-1995 Music
  • Deck, Norma L. 1954-1955 Library-Library Asst.
  • *Decker, C. Richard 1974-1998 Business/Provost *1988
  • DeJaynes, Arlis (Randy?) 1985-1988 English
  • DeJoy, Nancy 1996- English
  • Delahoyde, Michael 1989-1991 English
  • Dell, Donald 1974-1975 Physical Education
  • *Dennis, Clyde A. 1948-1950, 1956-1979 Biology
  • Denton, William Wells 1941-1943 Mathematics
  • Desmond, Lawrence J. 1953-1954 Business-Accounting
  • Detmer, Emily 1998- English
  • DeTurk, Ruth Willard 1950-1951 Modern Languages- Spanish
  • Dewey, Glenn 1987-1994 Music
  • Dewhirst, Oscarine Pruitt 1945-1953, 1955-1956 Music-Piano
  • Dexter, Richard J. 1963-1966 Physics
  • Dickey, James H. 1905-1912 Mathematics
  • Dickinson, Joel 1964-1965 History & Political Science
  • Dicks, Claude D. 1947-1952 Psychology & Philosophy
  • Dillehunt, Getrude E. 1906-1907 Home Economics
  • Dilley, Frank B. 1962-1967 Religion/Philosophy
  • Dillon, Dorothy 1923-1927 Physical Education
  • Dirks, Bette 1974-1976 Music
  • Ditzler, Mauri A. 1994-1999 Arts & Sciences/Provost
  • Dixon, Harry Mitchell 1949-1950 Business-Administration
  • Dixon, Perry 1985-1986 Business-Economics
  • Dobbins, E. Mike 1983-1985 Theatre-Communications
  • Doberstein, Scott T. 1989-1998 Physical Education
  • Dockeray, James Carlton 1936-1943 Business-Economics
  • Dodge, Faith Hunter 1911-1913 Modern Languages
  • Dodge, Stephen 1968- History
  • Doelling, Ruth 1949-1949 Music-Theory
  • Donahue, Alan 1979-1982 Theatre
  • Donahue, Merwin 1965-1966 Modern Lang.- French
  • Donovan, James Lawrence 1954-1955 English
  • Donovan, William Everett 1913-1914 Music-Piano
  • Doran, Edward W. 1905-1906 Biology
  • Dorner, George C. 1963-1966 Mathematics
  • Dorsey, Paul A. 1984- Business
  • Doubleday, Frances H. 1946-1959 English
  • *Doubleday, Neal F. 1946-1970 (PT 72-73) English *1970
  • Douglas, Cynthia 2001- Music
  • Douglas, Philip Earle 1913-1914 Modern Languages
  • Douglass, Richard 1967-1969 English?
  • Downen, Brian 1993-1994 Music
  • Doyle, Daniel 1997-1998 History
  • Drake, Bernadine 1979-1984 Nursing
  • Drake, Charles G. 1962-1965 Business-Administration
  • Dreese, Lynn 1993-1995 Biology
  • Drenan, James W. 1957-1976 Chemistry
  • Driesbach, David F. 1954-1959 Art
  • Droll, Belinda 1979-1984-1988-1998 English
  • Drompp, Michael 1985-1986 History
  • Druelinger, Melvin 1982-1984 Chemistry
  • Duffey, Raymond Earl 1936-1942 Music-Violin
  • Duke, Jodie, Jr. 1976-1977 Chemistry
  • Duncanson, W. Thomas 1999- Communication
  • Dunlap, Mabel 1911-1919, 1920-1927 Home Economics
  • Dunn, Harriett L. 1907-1908 Art
  • Dunn, Sandra 1997-1999 Education
  • Dunning, Wayne 1992-1995 Physical Education
  • DuPuy, Jessie Maude 1906-1907 English
  • Dur谩n, Victor Manuel 1987- Modern Languages- Spanish
  • Durkee, Laura E. 1919-1922 Business
  • Dussing, Sarah 2001- Music
  • Dwiggins, Mary 2000- English
  • Dymond, Geneva 1946-1947 English
  • Dymond, Wayne Erwin 1945-1948 Business Administration

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  • Eagan, Sarah E. 1973-1975 English
  • Eastland, Cornelia 1950-1953 Library
  • Eaton, Bertha E. 1908-1909 Classical Languages
  • Eaton, J. Tim 1981-1982 Business-Law
  • Eaton, Nancy 1982-1985 Music
  • Ebert, P.K. 1975-1984 Business-Administration
  • Echaniz, jose 1932-1944 Music-Piano
  • Eckhard, George Frederick 1909-1912 Civil Engineering
  • Eckmair, Frank C. 1962-1963 Art
  • Eckroth, Kathleen 1968-1969 Music
  • Eckroth, Marvin 1967-1971 Music
  • Eddy, Mary Louise 2001- Education
  • Eddy, Samuel 1924-1926 Biology
  • Eddy, Zelma 1966-1967 Classical Languages
  • Edmonds, Bernyce 1969-1970 Education
  • Edwards, Stella Strickland 1935-1936 Home Economics
  • Eilers, Virginia 1979-1980 Nursing
  • Eittreim, Alvin Kingsley 1936-1937 Mathematics
  • Elder, James Clyde 1907-1908 Physical Education
  • Ellefson, Robert 1967-1971 Physics
  • Ellefson, Susan 1967-1968 Music-Piano
  • Ellwood, John K. 1918-1919 Mathematics
  • Emch, Walter 1932-1961 Music-Theory
  • Emery, Mary Elizabeth 1952-1953 Music-Piano
  • Emmons, Paul R. 1974-1977 Library- Music Lib.
  • Engelke, David 1984-1986 Music-Piano
  • Engleman, Buryl Frederick 1947-1959 Communications
  • Engen, David 1995-1999 Communications
  • Ennis, Lloyd B. 1962-1963 Modern Languages
  • Epstein, Carmen 2001- Library
  • Eschbaugh, John T. 1958-1961 Engineering
  • Eshelman, George R. 1948-1949 Business-Administration
  • Evans, Gertrude Darrett 1912-1914 Music-Voice
  • Evans, Howard M. 1968-1969 Education
  • Evans, Karen 1990-1995 Biology
  • Evans, Ruth B. 1926-1927 Music-Kindergarten
  • Evenson, Sharon L. 1966-1967 Music
  • Everest, Phyllis E. 1945-1946 Music-Cello
  • Ewbank, David 1962-1964 English
  • Ewing, James Rees 1922-1923 Business

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  • Fahrnkopf, Barbetta 1908-1912 Music-Piano
  • Fahy, Paul 1992-1995 Business-Economics
  • Fairweather, Margaret 1957-1961 Music-Flute
  • Faith, Don R. 1959-1962 Religion
  • Falvey, Frances E. 1948-1959 Mathematics
  • Farley, Mary Jane 1952-1953 Music-Voice
  • Farrill, Esther 1946-1947 Music-Piano
  • Fassnacht, Margaret 1947-1952 Music-Education
  • Fast, Willard 1947-1949 Music-Theory
  • Fathauer, George 1966-1967 Physics
  • Faust, George 1946-1947 History & Political Science
  • Fehr, David 1987-1988 Music
  • Fellows, George Emory 1913-1916 Education/President
  • Fearheiley, Michael 2000- Mathematics
  • Ferguson, Joy 1982-1984 Music
  • Ferrill, Nancy 1984-1985 Writing Center
  • *Ferris, William N. 1965-1988 Modern Lang.- French *88
  • Ferry, Richard E. 1961- Education
  • Ferson, Angela 1920-1922 Physical Education
  • Fichter, Lawrence 1977-1978 Political Science
  • Filley, Lynn M. 1950-1965 Business-Administration
  • Finfrock, E. Hope 1908-1909 Modern Lang.- German
  • Finn, Kevin 1999- Theatre- Artist In Residence
  • Fiol, Stephen F. 1976- Music
  • Fischer, William 1946-1947 Music-Voice
  • Fisher, Fay Lynton 1919-1920, 1925-1926 English/Rhetoric
  • Fisher, Hazel V. 1948-1950 Modern Languages- Spanish
  • Fisher, James W. 1973-1975, 1977-1979 Biology
  • Fisher, William E. 1948-1955 Education
  • Fisk, Sylvia (Gobberdiel) 1911-1925 Music-Piano
  • Fitch, Erma 1914-1916 Music-Piano
  • Fitzpatrick, W.M. 1922-1927 Instructor-Emer. Nursing/First Aid
  • Flack, Frank M. 1948-1953 English
  • Flam, Marie 1985-1988 Nursing
  • Flint, Ellen Lucille (Easterling) 1936-1947 Dance
  • Flores, Amy 2001- Music
  • Flynn, Florence 1918-1919 Music-Voice
  • Flynn, Thomas F. 1993- Provost/President
  • Foley, Alice A. 1966-1967 Languages
  • Folger, Paul J. 1990-1996 Political Science
  • Followell, Faye 1955-1956 Library- Asst. Librarian
  • Foote, Rebecca 2000-2001 Education (part-time)
  • Forbes, Gordon 1967- Behavioral Sciences
  • Forbes, Guy 1995- Music-Voice
  • Forbes, Malcolm 1970-1978 Dean Arts & Sciences
  • Forbes, Richard 1980-1981 Physical Education
  • Force, Charles 1992-1999 Mathematics
  • Forsythe, Nina beckwith 1907-1912 Home Economics
  • Fortner, Robert 1977-1978 English
  • Foster, James Daniel 1994-2006 Mathematics
  • Foster, Penelope 1969-1970 Languages
  • Frahm, Margaret 1946-1948 Business-Administration
  • Fralick, JR 1996-2000 Music-Voice
  • Francisco, Noel 1955-1959 Religion
  • Fraser, Steven 1974-1975 Music-Guitar
  • Frazer, June T. 1970-1972 English
  • Frazer, Timothy 1969-1971 English
  • Frazier, Ronald L. 1964-1965, 1966-1971 Religion
  • Frech, Lee 1922-1927 Infant feeding instructor
  • Fredericks, Aage 1912-1913 Music-Violin
  • Freed, Elmer E. 1946-1947 Religion
  • French, Jon 1972-1974, 1980-1984 Business-Accounting
  • French, Lucile 1918-1919 Home Economics
  • Frey, Roxanne C. 1970-1974 Library-Reference
  • Friesen, Delbert 1981-1984 Physics
  • Fromel, Helen Grannath 1946-1948, 1951-1956 Library-Director
  • Frye, Larry J. 1966-1969 Library-Cataloger
  • Fryxell, Burton Lyman 1937-1947 English
  • Fryxell, Vera A. 1938-1941 English
  • Fuentes, Maryvonne 1993-1994, 1996- Chemistry
  • Fuiks, Cheryl W. Cohn 1984- Economics
  • Fulcher, James E. 1905-1906 Engineering
  • Fuller, Carol 1962-1964 Music-Piano
  • Fuller, Cynthia (Foulke) 1992-2001, 2004- Library

Back to the top


  • Gabler, Ina 1996-1998 Education
  • Gadbois, John 1991-1996 Physical Education
  • *Gage, Daniel James 1943-1962 History *1962
  • *Gage, Elinor 1946-1972 English *1972
  • Galbreath, Frank E. 1947-1948, 1953-1954 Mathematics/Physics
  • Galewsky, Sam 1997- Biology
  • Galligar, Gladys Charlotte 1934-1948 Biology
  • Galloway, Thomas Walton 1903-1916 Biology
  • Gallup, Miner Walden 1909-1932 Music-Piano
  • Gamble, Stephen H. 1966-1967 Business-Administration
  • Gamman, R. Ingle 1911-1912 Ceramics
  • Gamst, Glenn 1979-1981 Behavioral Sciences
  • Ganos, Joan 1960-1961 Languages
  • Garcia Pinar, Arantxa 1999-2000 Language assistant
  • Gard, Esther Larrabee 1928-1930 Art
  • Gardiner, David 1998-1999 English
  • Garlitz, Robert E. 1968-1969 English
  • Garrison, Charlotte James 1928-1929 Suprtdt. Dec. & Macon Co. Hosp.
  • *Gaston, Jack W. 1952-1990 Business-Marketing *90
  • Gatchel, Dennis 1992-1993 Physical Education
  • Gauger, Joseph F. 1924-1944 Business-Accounting
  • Gebhart, Nellie 1907-1913 Music-Piano
  • Gehres, Edward D. Jr. 1973-1974, 1975-1976 Religion
  • Geiger, Eldon 1918-1920 Music-Education
  • Geng, Zhong, M. 1990-1995 Library-Cataloger
  • Genrich, Mark 1998- Art
  • Gery, Frank W. 1960-1962 Business- Administration
  • Gibbard, Linda 1975-1976 Music-Piano
  • Gibbons, Bruce 1985- Music
  • Gibbons, Helen Marshall 鈥淗api鈥 1985- Music
  • Gibrich, Craig 1975-1976 Religion
  • Gibson, Ralph L. 1938-1941 Chemistry
  • Gill, Bruce 1978-1980 English
  • Gill, James H. 1903-1906 Engineering
  • *Gill, Russell Wayne 鈥淗ank鈥 1926-1938, 1946-1969 Physical Education
  • Gillen, Lisa 1992-1995 Writing Center
  • Gillen, William 1979-1980 Philosophy
  • Gillespie, Doris Lewman 1919-1920, 1923-1926 Music-Voice
  • Glasscock, David Gene 1952-1954, 1955-1978 Engineering-Industrial
  • Gleason, Gerald A. 1977-1978 English
  • Glencross, Laurie 2001- Music
  • Gobel, Leland H. 1932-1933 Music-Wind Instruments
  • Godcharles, Charles A. 1941-1946 Philosophy
  • Goff, James Frederick 1942-1944 Physical Education
  • Golden, David A. 1984- Theatre
  • Goleman, Irving 1927-1930 English Literature
  • Golovatchoff, Dika 1968-1969 Music
  • Goode, Gaylia Myrna (Young) 1938-1944 Classical Languages
  • Goodale, Anna C. 1923-1927 Nursing
  • Goodnow, Wilma 1980-1981 Business-Marketing
  • Goodyear, A.F. 1922-1927 Physiology
  • Gorder, Wayne 1975-1976 Music
  • Gossin, Pamela 1989-1990 English
  • Gould, Fletcher Ames 1912-1916 Engineering
  • Gould, Howard Woodham 1925-1927 Chemistry
  • Gourley, Margaret T. 1955-1957 Languages
  • Grabow, Constance Brooks 1959-1961 Music-Piano
  • Grant, Joseph D. 1929-1931 Mathematics
  • Grant, Lester J. 1945-1946 Education
  • Gray, Jerry 1969-1975 Physical Education
  • Gray, Kathryn F. 1973-1975 Music
  • Gray, Virginia 1931-1935 Music-Piano
  • Greanias, Gust T. 1948-1949 Business-Administration
  • Green, Alan 1972-1973 Biology
  • Green, C. Steven 1987-1996 Philosophy
  • Green, Darrell A. 1974-1981 Physical Education
  • Green, Fredarieka 1915-1925 Music-Voice/Ear Training
  • Greenwood, Clara C. 1911-1912 Art
  • *Gregory, Ronald D. 1968-1985 Music (Dean ) *1985
  • Grieve, William 2001- History
  • Grieves, Wallace 1923-1925 Music-Violin
  • Griffin, Phillip E. 1977-1979 Music-Education
  • Griffith, John R. 1964-1968 Business
  • Griffith, Ruth 1965-1968 Music-Piano
  • Griffiths, Richard 1964-1967 Education
  • Grinde, Gerald S. 1977-1980 History
  • Gromoll, Henry F., Jr. 1960-1961, 1963-1996 Behavioral Sciences
  • Groninger, Judy 1968-1969 Biology
  • Gross, David 1997-1999 Music
  • Gross, James R. 1981-1986 Engineering
  • Grosz, Fred A. 1970-1975 Chemistry
  • Grove, Margaret 鈥淕retchen鈥 1990-1991, 1992-1995 English
  • Grubb, John 1992-1994 Business-Marketing
  • Grubel, Mollie 1907-1920 Physical Education
  • Gruner, Leroy 1971-1972 Sociology
  • Guernsey, Bruce 1991-1992 English
  • Guernsey, E. Louise 1906-1912 Art
  • Guillory, Daniel L. 1972- English
  • Guldenstein, Diana 1997-2001 Education
  • Gunnison, Binney 1907-1913 Speech
  • Gunzenhauser, Bonnie 1999- English

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  • Hacker, Almalee Puckett 1941-1944 Secretarial Science
  • Hadley, Thomas Grant 1926-1943 Music-Voice
  • Hadley, Margaret Wiley 1926-1933, 1936-1939 Music-Voice
  • Hahn, Arthur McKee 1922-1927 Engineering
  • *Hale, Charles E. 1976-1999 Library-Director
  • Hale, Janet 2001- Education
  • Hall, Carl 1997-1999 Education
  • Hall, Joanne 1977-1978 Music
  • Hall, John L. 1972-1978 English
  • Hallam, James 1975-1976 Data Processing
  • Hallanger, Isabelle 1906-1907
  • Halpin, Cindy Stroud 1997-1999 Theatre
  • Halpin, Kevin 1996-1999 Theatre
  • Ham, John P. 1953-1955 Social Work Lecturer
  • Hamilton, Georgia 1964-1965 Music-Voice
  • Hamilton, Robert H. 1965-1968 History
  • Hamm, Helen 1974-1976 Music
  • Hammond, Bobby 1979-1980 Philosophy
  • Hammond, Karen 1987-1988 Sociology
  • Hancock, John 1974-1976 Music-Piano
  • Handelsman, Richard 1968-1970 English
  • Handler, Cynthia M. 1997- Biology
  • Handlin, Irene 1908-1913 Art
  • Hanks, Christopher H. 1975-1978 Mathematics
  • Hansen, John 1971-1973 Business-Accounting
  • Hansen, Stephanie 1980-1982 Music
  • Harm, Kenneth A. 1957-1958, 1962-1963 Industry
  • Harmon, Sandra 1985-1986 History
  • Harness, Kelley 1990-1995 Music
  • Harris, Kathleen 1963-1964 Speech
  • Harris, Peter 1990- Music
  • Harshbarger, Darlene Wittenauer 1993- Theatre
  • Hart, Clyde William 1915-1922 English/Speech
  • Hart, M. Susan 1979-1984 English
  • Hartgrove, Kathryn 1996- Music
  • Hartmann, Paul AA. 1991-1992 Theatre-Tech. Dir.
  • Hartter, Allen 1970-1971 Political Science
  • Harvey, Carl 1998- Physical Education
  • Harward, Donald W. 1965-1968 Philosophy
  • Hatch, Melville Harrison 1924-1925 Biology
  • Hatfield, Susan S. 1998-2000 Music
  • Hattoon, Emil 1962-1964 Religion
  • Haug, Rachel (Long) 1945-1952 Music-Piano
  • Hawkins, Elmer 1974-1995 Business
  • Hawkins, Maria 1947-1948 Psychology
  • Haydon, Ricky 1984-1986 Music
  • Hayes, E.M. 1924-1925 Instructor-Tuberculosis
  • Hayes, J.M. 1924-1927 Orthopedic nursing
  • Hayes, William F., Jr. 1965-1966 Music-Artist in Residence
  • Haynes, Lawrence W. 1977-1978 Business-Economics
  • Haywood, C. Robert 1966-1969 Dean-Arts & Sciences
  • *Head, Carl I. 1915-June 1958 Engineering *1958
  • Hearson, Robert H. 1970-1977 Music
  • Heath, Lillian 1911-1912 Music-Voice
  • Heffern, James R. 1960-1961 Biology
  • Heideman, Eunice 1947-1949 Music-Wind Instruments
  • Heideman, Mary (Brandt) 1927-1937 Music-Violin
  • Heiden, Charles 1972-1977 Sociology/Psychology
  • Hedtman, Nanette 1969-1970 Dance
  • Heitkamp, Lawrence W. 1969-1972 Languages
  • Hekking, William Matthews 1912-1916 Art
  • Helmick, Louise Watson 1919-1947 Music-Voice
  • Hemenway, Mary 1908-1912 Music-Violin
  • Henderson, Clayton W. 1974-1980 Dean- School of Music
  • Henderson, Luther Bateman 1917-1926 Philosophy
  • Henderson, William Franklin 1914-1920 Chemistry
  • Hendricks, Donald D. 1960-1963 Library
  • Hendricks, Jeff 1998-2001 Business
  • Hendrix, Ralph D. 1957-1959 Business-Administration
  • Henry, Jana 1999- Theatre
  • Herman, Richard 1985-1986 Theatre/Dance
  • Hermens, Richard A. 1963-1966 Chemistry
  • Hertwig, Alvin 1911-1912 Mathematics
  • Herzig, John R. 1967-1970 Business
  • *Hess, Harold Clyde 1929-1963 Music- Violin *1963
  • Hess, L. James 1947-1948 English
  • Hess, Tisha 1999- Physical Education
  • Hesse, Margaret 1975-1976 Biology
  • Hesse, Theodore 2000- Music
  • Hessler, John Charles 1907-1920, 1934-1944 Chemistry & President
  • Hickernell, Helen Harriet 1927-1929 Physical Education
  • Hicks, Patricia 1970-1973 Mathematics
  • Higgins, Pat 1992-1994, 2000-2001 Chemistry
  • Hilgenberg, Cheryl 1990- Nursing
  • Hill, Gregory 1991-1997, 1998- Business-Law
  • Hill, H. Wayne 1947-1948 Chemistry
  • Hill, Helen Russell 1924-1926 Music-Piano
  • Hillger, Martin E. 1955-1962 English
  • Hilliard, Herbert Beeton 1903-1904 Music-Piano
  • Hinrichs, Brian R. 2000- Business-Management
  • Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 1995- Behavioral Sciences
  • Hittler, George Meehan 1938-1942 Secretarial Sciences
  • Hobbs, Ronald 2000-2001
  • Hodge, Howard 1930-1936 Suprtdt. Dec. & Macon Co. Hos.
  • Hoegl, Juergen K. 1978-1980 Modern Languages
  • Hoffland, Kathryne 1974-1976, 1985-1986, 1990-1991 Music
  • *Hoffland, Richard D. 1959-1991 Music-Choral/Church
  • Hoffman, Darlene 1977- Education
  • Hoffman-Jeep, Lynda 2000- Modern Languages- German
  • Hoffman, Mark 1926-1928 Music-Piano
  • Hoggatt, Cyrus H. 1903-1908 Business-Accounting
  • Hoke, Martin 1987-1988 Business-Law
  • Holbrook, Frank D. 1918-1919 Engineering-Civil
  • Holcombe, E. Jean 1947-1948 Library
  • Holden, Louis Edward 1919-1923 President
  • Holecek, Boyd 1946-1947 Physical Education
  • Holley, Charles Elmer 1924-1927 Education
  • Holm, Jeff 1998-2000 Admissions/Baseball Coach
  • Holmes, Bradley A. 1991- Music-Choral
  • Holmes, Elizabeth 1992-1995 Music-Choral
  • Holmes, Karen 1978-1981 Physical Education
  • Holt, Niles 1987-1988, 1992-1995, 1996-1997 History
  • Honegger, David 1990-1993 English-Writing Center
  • Hood, Jay 1998- Physical Education
  • Hoopes, L. Llewellyn 1908-1909 Physical Education
  • Hoose, Stephanie 1980-1985 Music
  • Hoots, Helen Kathryn 1936-1943 Education
  • Hope, Barbara 1990-1991 Writing Center Specialist
  • Hopper, Arthur B. 1970-1984 Communications/Theatre
  • Hornbacker, Georgia 1975-1976, 1986- Music-Violin
  • Horvath, Maria 2000-2001 Music (part-time)
  • Hossain, Najmul 1981-1984 Business-Economics
  • Hossalla, Richard J. 1972-1975 Communications/Theatre
  • Hottes, Frederick Charles 1928-1948 Biology
  • Housman, Russell F. 1959-1961 Art
  • Houston, Carol 1970-1971 Physical Education
  • Howdyshell, Judy A. 1989-1996 Education
  • Howe, Thomas Dudley 1925-1927 Biology
  • Hower, Robert F. 1986-1988 Art
  • Howett, Gladys 1947-1948 Art
  • Howley, Terry 1990-1993 Physical Education
  • Hoyt, Frederick B. 1970-1972 History
  • Hubbell, Douglas K. 1978-1979 Theatre
  • Hubble, Richard 1971-1972 Biology
  • Huda, Shamsul 1984-1985 History
  • Hudson, Gail 1978-1986 Communication
  • Huff, J.A. 1963-1965 Music-Theory
  • Huff, Mary Ellen 1963-1965 Music-Violin
  • Hughey, Fannie E. 1913-1914 Color School Principal
  • Humphrey, Peter 1970-1971 Dance
  • Hunt, James G. 1962-1963 Business-Administration
  • Hunt, Jerald 1969-2000 Education
  • Hunt, Phyllis 1977-1978 Education
  • Hunter, Jeffrey 1985-1986 Music
  • Hurst, Steven 1974-1975 English
  • Hurt, Phyllis 1973-1974 Music
  • Hyde, Emma 1918-1919 Mathematics
  • Hydinger, Frank Lloyd 1918-1926 Music-Piano, History

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  • Imboden, Sarah Mark 1922-1927 Education
  • Ireland, Clarence E. 1943-1944 Physics
  • Irons, Mayme Ethel 1922-1945 Music-Music Education
  • Isom, Kathleen 1967-1968 Dance

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  • Jack, C.M. 1922-1924 Public Health/ Tuberculosis
  • Jack, David C. 1956-1958 Political Science
  • Jackson, Douglas 1993-1994 Modern Languages
  • Jackson, Herbert 1974-1977 Physical Education
  • Jackson, Preston 1971-1972 Art
  • Jackson, T. J. 1973-1974 Physical Education
  • Jacobs, Eloise 1914-1919 Music-Piano
  • Jacobs, Jo Ellen 1981- Philosophy
  • Jacobs, Phyllis M. 1984-1988 Nursing
  • Jacobsen, David C. 1973-1981 Music
  • Jagger-Taylor, Maria 1995-1999 Dance
  • James, Benjamin B. 1906-1914 Physics, Academy
  • Jarman, Pauline 1932-1933 Art
  • Jebe, Carl F. 1946-1947 Music-Cello
  • *Jensen, Norman H. 1970-1999 Biology
  • Jensen, Thomas 1981-1985, 1990- Admissions/ Phys. Ed.
  • Jesek, Sheila 1980-1984 Nursing
  • Jessup, Rev. Mary 1997- Religion
  • Jimison, Carmin 1978-1980 Nursing
  • Johansson, Carl 1969-1975 Physical Education
  • Johns, Peter Jr. 1980-1981 Business-Management
  • Johnson, Albert 1992-1997 Education
  • Johnson, C. Roy 1922-1927 Pediatrics
  • Johnson, Eileen 1997-2000 Music
  • Johnson, Harold Elbert 1937-1940 Physical Education
  • Johnson, Helen Louise 1906-1907 Home Economics
  • Johnson, Joan A. 1966-1968 Music
  • Johnson, Keith W. 1973-1976 Communications
  • Johnson, Leo Thomas 1921-1938 Physical Education
  • Johnson-Vela, Michelle R. 1999- Modern Languages- Spanish
  • Johnson, Robert 1975-1977 Business-English?
  • Johnson, Robert V. 1982- Business-Accounting
  • Johnson, Taver 1996-1999 Physical Education
  • Johnston, Harrington 1903-1906 Music-Violin
  • Jones, David 1923-1924 Business-Bookkeeping
  • Jones, Deanne F. 1998- Business
  • Jones, Gregory W. 1976-1979 Business-Management
  • Jones, James 1980-1984 English
  • Jones, Marla 1980-1981 English
  • Jones, Myrna Frances 1926-1927 Biology
  • Jones, Rupel Johnson 1926-1931 English
  • Jones, William H. 1905-1906 Engineering
  • Jordahl, Julianne 1969-1971 Modern Languages
  • Jordahl, V. Truman 1970-1972 Philosophy
  • Jordan, Dwight 1982-1986 Music
  • Jorns, David 2000-2001 Theatre & Dance (part-time)
  • Josefson, Clarence M. 1973- Chemistry
  • Jost, Jean 1985-1988 English
  • Joys, Herbert James 1950-1951 Speech
  • Juchhoff, Frederick 1913-1914 Business
  • Justison, Brian 1998-2000 Music

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  • Kadish, Marion E. 1909-1910 Music-Voice
  • Kaeuper, Hermann H. 1903-1914 Music-Director, Piano
  • Kaha, Catherine W. 1990-2000 Communications
  • Kapp, Lucien 1960-1963 Art
  • Karalis, Nicholas 1969-1970 Philosophy
  • Kargas, Nicholas 1973-1984 Business-Accounting
  • Karls, Scott 1980-1981 Education
  • Karr, Ila 1949-1951 Library-Asst. Librarian
  • Kauffman, Bessie Fern 1919-1921 Home Economics
  • Keagle, William 1991- History
  • Kean, Hugh Pratt 1917-1918 Mathematics
  • Kearns, Andrews 1992-1993 Music
  • Kearny, Edward 1967-1968 History
  • Kebrecht, Glenn F. 1958-1960 Music-Violin
  • Keehn, Norman H. 1966-1968 History
  • Keeton, Robert W. 1903-1905 Biology
  • Keil, Henry J. 1948-1951 Physical Education
  • Keirle, Mary A. 1957-1958, 1959-1960 Mathematics
  • Keister, W.S. 1924-1927 Public Health
  • Keller, Sue 2000-2001 Mathematics (part-time)
  • Kelley, Shannon Keith 1987-1988 Communications/Theatre
  • Kellogg, Robert James 1903-1918 Modern Languages
  • Kelso, Alexander Peebles 1918-1925 Religion
  • Kelton, Anne 1987-1995 Music
  • Kelton, Christopher T. 1983-1996 Music
  • Kenny, Jack 1998-1999 Education
  • Kent, Elliot N. 1978-1985 Political Science
  • Kent, Nancy 1969-1972 Library- Music Librarian
  • Kerans, Lori 1986- Physical Education
  • *Kerns, Byron L. 1944-1972, 1974-1975 Dean of Students
  • Keshawarz, Margaret 1978-1979 English
  • Ketch, Helen 1909-1910 Music-Piano
  • *Kettelkamp, James F. 1964-1993 Admissions Dean
  • Kiefer, Earl Chester 1923-August 1959 Mathematics
  • Kienzler, Jo Ellen 鈥淛ody鈥 1995- Music
  • Kies, Harry James 1960-1961 Business
  • Kimmel, James 1988-1996 Music-Show Choir
  • King, Edward Luther 1904-1905 Mathematics
  • King, Inez Naomi 1914-1916 Biology
  • King, J. William 1998-2000 Music
  • King, John P. 1990-1991, 1993-1994 Theatre
  • King, Rosemary 1998- English/Writing Center
  • King, Thomas 1967-1968 Philosophy
  • Kinsey, David 1964-1970 Mathematics
  • Kirby, Glenn Jr. 1970-1974 Business-Economics
  • Kirby, Harriet 1969-1971 Physical Education
  • Kirchner, David 2001- Political Science
  • Kirck, George T. 1980-1984 Music-Wind Ensemble
  • Kirck, Susan 1980-1984 Music
  • Kiser, Brian 2000- Music
  • Kittrell, William L. 1985-1986 Business-Finance
  • *Klaven, Marvin L. 1961-1996 Art *1996
  • Klein, Christian Adolph 1913-1914 Modern Languages
  • Klein, Joan Larsen 1978-1979 English
  • Kleinberg, Jacob 1940-1944 Chemistry
  • Klemens, Miriam 2000- Education (part-time)
  • Kline, Ellen Elizabeth 1923-1924 Home Economics
  • Klingberg, Frank I. 1939-1944 Political Science/History
  • Klingenberg, Patricia 1975-1976
  • Klott, Maria 1985-1994 Music-Vocal
  • Kniple, Beulah Virginia 1924-1927 Home Economics
  • Knutilla, Keith 1996-1999 Library-Media Center
  • Koch, Gary 1990-1991 Communications
  • Koda, Paul S. 1965-1967 English
  • Koehler, Richard 1993-1994 Biology
  • Kohler, Paul A. 1946-1947 Business
  • Kok, Marilyn 1987-1988, 1990-1996 Writing Center Specialist
  • Kok, Randall A. 1986- Chemistry
  • Kowa, Katherine 1978-1980 Physical Education
  • Kraemer, Glenn 1998-1999 Physical Education
  • Kramer, Robert 1947-1951, 1953-1954 Music-Woodwinds
  • Kranz, F. James 1966-1967 Religion
  • Kremer, David 1992-1993 Communication
  • Kressin, Hugo Max 1922-1923 Modern Languages-Spanish
  • Kreider, Lorrin A. 1960-1961 Religion
  • *Kreuger, William E. 1956-1986, 1992-1993 English *1986
  • Kriege, Laura Olivia 1916-1917 Modern Languages-Germ.
  • Krintz, Louise 1955-1957 Music-Piano
  • Krows, Janet 1980-1985 Physical Education
  • Krueger, John Fred 1944-1945 Business
  • Krueger, Kari 1997-1999 Music
  • Krueger, Michael 1992-1994 Music
  • Krummel, Christopher 1992-1994 Music
  • Kruse, Luanne 1970-1972 English
  • Kruzan, Robert 1947-1968 Music-Band
  • Kuhnes, E.L. 1918-1919 Mathematics
  • Kuncar, Edward I. 1963-1966 Modern Languages
  • Kuny, Frederick L. 1957-1958 Engineering
  • Kupper, Jodi 1998- Education
  • Kuykendall, Sue 1984-1986 Writing Center

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  • Lacquet, Jo Ann 1972-1973 Music
  • Lahners, Thomas 1923-1927 Materia medica
  • Lahr, Robert Wuest 1913-1921 Art
  • Laible, Jon 1995-1999 Mathematics
  • LaMar, Everette A. 1954-1956 Physical Education
  • LaMar, Wilmer Abraham 1943-1944 History/Geography
  • LaMarsh, Gerald W. 1963-1964 Speech
  • Lamb, Robert Madison 1917-1918 Chemistry
  • Lamm, Joyce 1962-1965, 1975-1976 Physical Education
  • LaMontagne, Mary Jane 1982-1984 Nursing
  • Lancaster, Ralph E. 1946-1949 Business-Accounting
  • Landis, R. Sabine 1927-1928 Dir. Nurses & Principal
  • Lanphere, Charles N. 1904-1912 Music-Piano, Music Ed.
  • Lansford, Mariella V. 1968-1970 Modern Languages
  • *LaRowe, Kenneth D. 1960-1983 Music-Theory, Organ
  • Larson, Carol 1969-1972 Music-Instrumental
  • Latimer, Roy Anderson 1949-1950 Secretarial Science
  • Lau, Barbara 1987-1988 Writing Center Specialist
  • Lauer, Sally L. 1990-1997 Communications
  • Lauerman, Mary L. 1972-1977 Modern Languages-French
  • Laughery, Wayne W. 1965-1967 Education
  • Laurent, Lorraine 1964-1966 Music-Voice
  • Lavery, Ruth 1912-1916 Music-Violin
  • Lawrence, Charles W. 1906-1909 Engineering-Civil
  • Layton, L. Lamar 1949-1951 Mathematics
  • Leach, Betty Pat 1945-1948 English
  • Leach, Frederick 1948-1949 Art
  • Leafbourg, Theckla 1906-1909 Music-Voice
  • Leask, J. Kenneth 1964-1966 Psychology
  • Leavitt, Katharine 2000-2001 Education (part-time)
  • Ledford-Pearson, Laura 1995- Theatre
  • Lee, Charles Edward 1919-1920 Languages-Rhetoric
  • Lee, Rachel 1992-1997 Music
  • Lee, Robine C.L. 1978-1979 Chemistry
  • Lee, Soyoung 1996-1998 Music-Prep. Dept.
  • Leese, Charles 1946-1949 Business-Administration
  • Lehenbauer, Philip A. 1907-1909 Biology
  • Leonard, James 1979-1980 Business-Finance
  • Lewey, Merle Chreighton 1947-1948 Speech
  • Lewis, Evan Llewelyn 1927-1931 Social Science-Languages
  • Lewis, Laura 1916-1917, 1946-1950 Modern Languages
  • *Lewis, William D. 1967-1991 Dean Special Prog./Ed. *91
  • Lewis, Yvonne 1997- Education
  • Liberatore, Anthony F. 1984- Business-Economics/Fin.
  • Likens, Carolyn V. Part Time 1968-1985, Full Time 1986- Mathematics
  • Liley, Thomas 1993-1995 Music
  • Lillich, George Otto 1910-1916 Music-Piano
  • Limerick, Ann C. 1949-1950 Sociology
  • Lindeberg, Donald 1940-1942, 1946-1947 Physical Education
  • Linton, Mary Jane 1980- Nursing
  • Littrell, Tim 1981- Physical Education
  • Livesay, Margarrethe 1962-1963 Education
  • Livingston, Felix 1974-1978 Business-Economics
  • Lloyd, Eloise 1922-1923 Music-Piano
  • Lockett, Jessie Walston 1918-1921, 1923-1926 Modern Languages-French
  • Loeb, Sam 1975-1976 Business-Marketing
  • Logan, Alice Weidner 1951-1953 Music-Voice
  • Long, Donald 2000-2001 Education (part-time)
  • Long, Robert 1946-1952 Music-Voice
  • Long, Wesley Robertson 1924-1925 Modern Languages
  • Loos-Tooker, Carola 1903-1905 Music-Voice
  • Lovell-Troy, Lawrence 1979- Behavioral Sciences
  • Loveridge, Carl 1975-1980 Business-Acct./Marketing
  • Lubecki, Jacek 2001- Political Science
  • Lubera, Gene 1966-1967 Education
  • Lucas, Zelna Maxine Lowe 1934-1944, 1948-1968 Music-Piano
  • Luchetti, Alfred 1999- Business Management
  • Lutz, Caroline Stookey 1911-1912, 1913-1927 English
  • Lux, Wilna Frances 1946-1948 Political Science/History
  • Luxner, Karla 1999- Nursing
  • Luxner, Michael 1996- Music
  • Luy, Donald 1979- Physical Education
  • Lyon, Florence L. 1903-1905 English
  • Lyon, George E. 1922-1924 Orthopedic Nursing

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  • MacAdams, Elizabeth 1985-1986 Business Marketing
  • MacAdams, Fay 1910-1912 Music-Piano
  • MacBeth, Thomas G. 1963-1965 Business-Administration
  • MacGregor, Jay B. 1931-1935 Education
  • MacPhail, Paul 1987-1988 Music
  • McAfee, David 1974-1975 Education
  • *McCaslin, Davida 1907-June 1952 English, Rhetoric
  • McClarey, Julie 1992-1996 Music
  • McClarey, Stephen 1997-1999 Music
  • McClelland, C.E. 1922-1925 Diseases Ear, Nose & Throat
  • McClelland, Marian Gertrude 1914-1917 English
  • McClugage, Sam 1965-1966 Biology
  • McClun, Edwin William 1917-1918 Business
  • McClure, Dorothy Julia 1936-1969 Physical Education
  • McClure, Malcolm M. 1976-1978 Business-Accounting
  • McClure, Oren D. 1958-1965 Education
  • McColley, Dianne 1978-1979 English
  • McCoy, John Peter 1914-1916 Education/Academy
  • McCracken, Boyd 1969-1970 Biology
  • McCray, Curtis L. 1993-1998 English/President
  • McCredie, Esther L. 1918-1921 Chemistry
  • McDaniel, Myrtle 1912-1914 Home Economics
  • McDaniel, Stuart 1970-1976 Speech
  • McDavid, Olga Keck 1915-1916 Music-Violin
  • McDermott, Lawrence M. 1917-1918 Business
  • McDonald, James R. 1974-1976, 1984-1995 English
  • McDonald, James Russell 1947-1949 Mathematics?
  • McFarquhar, Robin 1992-1993 Theatre
  • McGaughey, D. Smith 1939-1942 Business-Law
  • McGinnis, Frank F. 1962-1968 Music-Music Education
  • McGowan, Linda 1962-1964 Music-Piano
  • McGlade, Joseph 1987-1988 Chemistry
  • McGowan, Richard A. 1962-1964 Music-Woodwind/Theory
  • McGowan, Thomas 2000- Music (part-time)
  • McIntire, Robert C. 1968- Political Science
  • McKay, Paul Leonard 1957-1970 President
  • McKenna, Sandra 2000- English
  • McKnight, Emily 1978-1980 Music
  • McLaughlin, Mike 1992- Physical Education
  • McLean, Norman P. 1950-1951 Music-Voice
  • McLeod, Robert J. 1985-1986 Physics
  • McManus, Wayne W. 1985-1986 Business-Accounting
  • McMinn, John Herman 1929-1932 Modern Languages
  • McNabb, Anna Whitmer 1910-1916, 1945-1968 Music-Piano
  • *McNabb, Edith Metham 1936-1962 Speech
  • *McNabb, Leroy Clifford 1931-June 1952 Speech/English
  • McNeely, Leonard 1990-1997 Physical Education
  • McPeek, Beth L. 1961-1969 Psychology
  • McQuiggan, Ralph 1981-1985 Physical Education
  • McQuistion, Thomas 1979- Biology
  • McQuistion, Virginia Frank 1977-2001 Library
  • McShea, Tim 1984-1985 Physical Education
  • McTavish, Laurie 1993-1994 English
  • Maaks, Gary 1974-1975 Chemistry Assistant
  • Maas, Martha C. 1959-1962 Music
  • Mabry, Doris 1971-1977 English
  • Mabry, Eddie 1969-1970, 1987-1988 Religion
  • Macdonald, Edna 1925-1927 Music-Violin
  • Machan, Isabella Thompson 1902-1938 Greek/Latin
  • Maclay, Ronald 1969-1972 Sociology
  • Magath, Thomas Byrd 1913-1914 Biology Assistant
  • Magialardi, Robert 1985-1999 Music-Vocal
  • Magiera, Frank 1987-1988 Business-Finance
  • Magrane, David 1966-1968 Biology
  • Mah, Kai-Ho 1963-1964 Modern Languages
  • Mahmud, Parvez 1980-1985 Business
  • Maienthal, Millard 1949-1952 Chemistry
  • Makris, Joanne Gill 1958-1960 Music-Harp
  • Malayter, Ellen 1979-1982, 1983-1986 Dance
  • Mallard, Manley T., II 1987- Music-Guitar
  • Malone, J. Walter 1946-1956 President
  • Manahan, Jerry 1978-1979, 2000-2001 Business-Economics
  • Manchery, Bruno 1991-1996 Business-Marketing
  • Mancinelli, Aldo 1980-1997 Music-Piano
  • Mancinelli, Judith 1981- Music-Piano
  • Mancinelli, Mario 1981-1982, 1983-1986 Music
  • Mandernach, Janice 1978-1979, 1997- Education
  • Mangrum, Barbara 1995- Theatre
  • Mannon, James M. 1973-1975 Sociology
  • *Mannweiler, Richard A. 1979-1999 Business
  • Manny, Candace (Zeman) 1972-1976 Library-Reference
  • Manske, Kenneth J. 1966-1969 Chemistry
  • Marcella, Albert J., Jr. 1987-1998 Business
  • Mardock, Robert 1967-1979 History & Political Science
  • Marer-Banasik, Elizabeth 2000-2001 Art (part-time)
  • Mark, LaMae 1964-1965 Music-Piano
  • Marlow, Myron L. 1983-1985 Computer Info. Systems
  • Marquardt, Ingeborg 1968-1970 Business-Lecturer
  • *Marshall, David 1967-1992 Business-Accounting
  • Marshall, Richard 1997- Physical Education
  • Martin, Charles 1996-1998 Physical Education
  • Martin, Frances Clow 1924-1926 Music-Cello
  • Martin, Irvin 1962-1963 Music-Voice
  • Martin, Mary Ellen 1959-1965 English
  • Martin, Willard Edgar, Jr. 1936-1938 English
  • Martin, William O, Jr. 1978-1988 Business-Law
  • Marzec, Marcia S. 1984-1985 English
  • Masciadrelli, Jennifer 2001-2004 Library
  • Mason, Judy 1985-1986 Communications
  • Matheson, Laurie 1999-2001 Music
  • Mathieson, Lester B. 1966-1976 Physical Education
  • Mathieson, Sally 1971-1972 Physical Education
  • Matta, Richard B. 1969-1971 Music
  • Matthew, Ronald L. 1977-1978 Psychology
  • Matthews, Terry 1990- Biology
  • Mauney, David 1967-1968 Music
  • *Maxwell, Ruth Anderson 1946-1963 English
  • May, J. Henry 1962-1963 Physical Education
  • May, Joanne 1976-1976 Music-Strings
  • Mayhew, Roy L. 1915-1917 Biology Assistant
  • Maylander, Louis 1979-1980 Philosophy
  • Meador, John V. 1961-1962 Business-Administration
  • Mee, Charlotte 1966-1967 Business-Accounting
  • Meek, Edward 1904-1908 Music-Voice
  • Meek, Theophile James 1909-1918 Religion
  • Mehl, Debra 1980-1981 Business-Management
  • Meis, Virginia Traughber 1947-1950 Speech/Admissions
  • Meiselwitz, Elvera A. 1932-1933 Home Economics
  • Melin, Helen Widdis 1987-1988 Library-Technical Services
  • Melrose, Ellen 1932-1933 English
  • Melrose, James Albert 1926-1942 Philosophy
  • Melton, Frances Virginia 1904-1908 Music-Piano
  • Mendoza, Gloria 1994-1995 Music
  • Menz, Anne 1980-1985 Education
  • Meredith, Billy Janice 1928-1932 Drama/Speech Arts
  • Merkle, George William 1906-1907
  • Merris, Mary Bielhen 1926-1927 Music-Voice
  • Merry, Barbara 1975-1976 Dance
  • Meserve, Charles A. 1903-1907 Chemistry
  • Mets, Isabel 1908-1909 Music-Piano
  • Metzger, Robert O. 1952-1954 Engineering
  • Meyer, Jacqueline 2000-2001 Education (part-time)
  • Meyer, LaVern 1985-1996 Mathematics
  • Meyers, Sheila 1975-1976 Music-Education
  • Michl, Charles B. 1973-1974 Physical Education
  • *Mickel, Jere C. 1953-1970 Speech
  • Mihm, Brian L. 1972- English
  • Mihm, Madelyn 1975-1977
  • Miller, Arlene 1968-1969 Modern Languages-Spanish
  • Miller, Bertha Meville 1909-1912 Home Economics
  • *Miller, Clarence Lee 1935-1962 History/Dean of College
  • Miller, Daniel R. 1997- Mathematics
  • Miller, Frank Clifford 1910-1912 Engineering-Foundry
  • *Miller, J. Roger 1959-1991 Music, President
  • Miller, Jack Eugene 1952-1960 Music
  • Miller, John H. 1966-1969 English
  • Miller, June Fisher 1925-1926 Speech Arts
  • Miller, Lloyd Dean 1948-1949 Art
  • Miller, Patricia 1990-1991 Nursing
  • Miller, Peter 2000-2001 Music (part-time)
  • Miller, Robert A. 1918-1919 Engineering-Civil
  • Milligan, Anne Stockton 1917-1920 Home Economics
  • Milligan, Tim 1995-1998 Theatre
  • Milliken, Robert 1968-1970 History & Political Science
  • *Mills, Albert Taylor 1903-June 鈥43 (46-49 PT) History & Political Science
  • Mills, Jim 1990- Physical Education
  • Milner, Virginia 1967-1969 Languages
  • Miltner, John R. 1991-1992 President
  • Miner, Gloria 1955-1967 Music-Piano
  • Minich, Gary 1987-1988 English
  • *Minturn, Winifred St. Clare 1927-1947, 1951-1956 Music-Violin, Director
  • Mitchell, Luana 1974-1975 Music
  • Mitchell, Rhonda 2000- Education
  • Mittral, Sushil 1999- Religion
  • Modos, Lana Hastings 1996-2000 Music
  • Moeller, Robert D. 1976-1978 Theatre
  • Moessner, Frieda 1942-1968, 1974-1976 Music-Piano
  • *Moffett, Wilna 1918-1923, 1924-1962 Music-Piano/ Organ
  • Molash, Douglas 1993-1995 Theatre
  • Moore, Barbara 1969-1974 Music-Vocal
  • Moore, Robert B. 1961-1964 Religion
  • Money, Robert E. 1999- Philosophy
  • Morey, Marcia 1985-1986 Business Law/Phys. Ed.
  • Morford, ronald L. 1977-1978 Business-Marketing
  • Mormino, Gary R. 1974, 1976-1977 History
  • Morphy, Edson W. 1906-1912 Music-Violin/Orchestra
  • Morris, Everett Franklin 1955-1957 Biology
  • Morris, Robert L. 1922-1927 Urology/Dermatology
  • Morris, Terry R. 2000- Music- Opera
  • Morris, William 1979-1985 Biology
  • Morrissey, Sean 1999- Artist in Residence
  • Morrison, Barbara 1987- Nursing
  • Morthland, Nancy Jo 1982-1984 Nursing
  • Morton, D. Walter 1906-1908 Business
  • Mosedale, Frederick E. 1972-1981 Philosophy
  • Moser, Betty 1984-1986, 1990-1994 Chemistry
  • Moss, Beverly T. 1956-1960 Librarian/Languages
  • Moss, Dorothy B. 1957-1960 Library
  • Muir, Ruth Lucile 1916-1922, 1926-1928 Music-Piano
  • Mullin, Terry 1999- Business-Mgmt. Info. Systems
  • Mullins, Corinne 1949-1950 Education
  • Mullins, Hugh 1945-1947 Music-Voice/Piano
  • Muma, Carl 1990-1994 Library-Media Center
  • Mumford, Eben 1910-1912 Business?
  • Munneke, Leslie E. 1951-1956 Business Administration
  • Murphey, Robert Joseph 1922-1926 Business Accounting
  • Murphy, Kevin 1994- History
  • Muzzey, M.T. 1946-1948 Physics
  • Myers, Denise 1991- Theatre
  • Myers, Donald E. 1958-1960 Mathematics
  • Myers, John 1980-1984 Music
  • Myers, Sandra 1969-1970 Speech
  • Myers, Stacy C. 1972-1979 Communications/Theatre

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  • Nagy, George 1973-1976 Music-concertmaster
  • Neafie, Nancy 1980-1984 History
  • Neal, Elsalee Conelly 1941-1944 Music-Violin
  • Neal, Michael 1992-1993, 1995-1998 Communications
  • Neal, Reginald H. 1940-1948 Art
  • Neibuhr, Douglas 1977-1988, 1996- Physical Education
  • Neibuhr, Guy 1973-1978 Physical Education
  • Nelsen, Georgiana 1982-1984 Business-law
  • Nelson, Mark A. 1993-1999 Music
  • Nelson, Monica 1995-1999 Education
  • Nesbit, Mary E. 1923-1927 Director of Nurses/Principal
  • Nettl, Rebecca C. 1980-1981 Dance
  • Neville, Gwen 1985-1991 Library-Reference
  • Newby, Michael 1992-1993, 1996-1997 Business-Finance
  • Nichols, Doris Jean 1953-1961 English
  • Nicholson, Doug 2000-2001 English (part-time)
  • Nicholson, Tina 1987-1988, 1990- Music
  • Niedringhaus, Linda 1984-1996 Nursing
  • Nielsen, Marc 1980-1982 Business-Management
  • Nims, Bruce 1979-1986 Business-Data Processing
  • Noe, Rowena F. 1929-1930 Music-Education
  • Noland, Elizabeth Duderstadt 1935-1936 Art
  • Nordlie, Leonard Truman 1923-1928 Business
  • Norris, Frances H. 1909-1912 English
  • *Northrup, Jean 1966-1986 Music-Instrumental
  • *Norville, Hubert 1952-1970 Music-Voice

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  • Oakes, Robert 1992-1993 Education
  • O鈥機onnor, Michael 1996- English
  • O鈥橠ea, Debra M. 1998- Business-Mgmt. Info. Systems
  • Odell, Robert W. 1949-1950 Religion
  • Oeck-Solomon, Cynthia 1994- Music-Voice
  • O鈥橦ara, Jay L. 1928-1933 Business
  • O鈥橩eefe, Elizabeth Ellen 1922-1923 Nursing
  • Oldfield, Thomas E. 1976-1978 Biology
  • Olds, William Benjamin 1908-1923 Music-Voice
  • Olinger, Lucile 1914-1916 Music-Piano
  • *Olsen, Gail Rodger 1938-1943, 1960-1978 Art
  • Olsen, William L. 1946-1955 Engineering-Industry
  • *Olson, James R.G. 1965-1987 Business
  • Olson, Sandra 1992-1993 Music
  • O鈥橬an, Martha 1956-1962 Modern Languages
  • Onwuemene, Michael 1969-1980 English
  • Orr, Gladys Margery 1919-1920 Music-Piano
  • Ortinau, Dean 2000-2001
  • Oser, Lee 1996-1998 English
  • Osoki, Isabel Norton 1980- Nursing
  • Otto, Judy 1979-1982 Nursing
  • Owen, Laurence 1966-1967 Music
  • Owen, Nelta A. 1966-1967 Music- Cello
  • Owen, Robert 1992-1993 Business-Law

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  • *Pacholski, Richard A. 1970-1998 English
  • Page, Brenda 1997-1999 Education
  • Paine, Richard C. 1952-1967, 1968-1975 Business-Accounting
  • Pal, Tridib 1993-1995 Music
  • Palmer, Dan 1982-1984 Physical Education
  • Palmer, Ralph Donald 1932-1944 Physics
  • Pangrac, Julia 1987-1992 Communications
  • Pappas, Robert 1975-1982 Business
  • Parkinson, Ethel Morton 1946-1960 English
  • Parrish, Judith Ann 1995- Biology
  • Parrish, Norman 1975-1976 Mathematics
  • Parsons, Glenn W. 1948-1949 Chemistry
  • Pattison, Carl T. 1970-1975 Religion
  • *Paul-Merritt, Carol 1970-2000 Modern Languages- German
  • Paulson, E. Charles 1965-1966 Classical Languages- Latin
  • Paxton, Mildred Ann 1932-1933 Music-Kindergarten
  • Payne, David E. 1981-1985 Psychology
  • Payne, Paula 1989-1996 English
  • Peabody, David 1998- Physical Ed/ Math.
  • Pear, Alberta 1969-1970 English
  • Pearson, Barry N. 1989- Theatre
  • Peckert, James 1998- Business
  • Peden, W. Creighton 1968-1969 Philosophy
  • Peltz, Janet 1977-1978 Music
  • Penhallegon, Jessie Reaves 1907-1909 Modern Lang.- French
  • Penhallegon, Lucy W. 1903-1909 English
  • Penn, Susan 1979-1980 English
  • Penny, Mark Embury 1923-1930 President
  • Pensinger, Christine R. 1931-1932 Home Economics
  • Pepper, Larry 1993-1995 Library- Media Center
  • Perley, James 2001- Dean- Arts & Sciences
  • Peterson, Margaret H. 1963-1964, 1965-1978 Music-Piano
  • Peterson, Michael 1995-1999 Theatre
  • Peterson, Oliver Herbert 1927-1931 Education
  • Pettus, Michael 1996- Business-Marketing
  • Phalen, Harold Romaine 1913-1916 Mathematics
  • *Pharis, Bertha E. 1956-1963 Home Economics
  • Phillips, Lynda 1993-1994 History
  • *Phillips, Douglas E. 1965-1997 Music
  • Phillips, Susan E. Schoen 1973-1976, 1985-1986 Music
  • Piazza, Stephen 1987-1988 English
  • Pickens, William 1967-1975 Chemistry
  • Pierce, Jesse 1921-1923 Mathematics/Civil Eng.
  • Pierson, Charles L. 1963-1965 Music-Voice
  • Pine, Rhoda 1970-1971, 1978-1979 Communications
  • Pipkin, Cynthia 1975-1979 Dance
  • Pipkin, Mariana 1966-1967 Music-Piano
  • Pitcock, Dennis 1982-1985 Music
  • Plews, Jean B. 1967-1968 Education
  • *Ploenges, Edward William 1936-1962 Mathematics
  • Pobanz, Dick 1991-1994 Physical Education
  • Poe, Mike 1984- Physical Education
  • Poelker, Carl 1973-1996 Physical Education
  • Pollard, Elizabeth 1996-1998 Theatre- Costumes
  • Pondelick, Anne 1970-1971 Modern Languages
  • Pondelick, Leo 1969-1973 Music
  • Poneta, Frank B. 1947-1948 Physical Education
  • Poole, Mary Ellen 1985- Music
  • Posler, Brian 1997- Political Science
  • Post, Esther 1977-1978 Education
  • Potts, Edith Margaret 1911-1912 English
  • Powers, Michelle 1999-2001 Art (part-time)
  • Pownall, George A. 1962-1964 Sociology
  • Prange, Sue 1964-1968 Business
  • Price, Fannie Bonner 1913-1914
  • Price, Neil 1914-1916 Physical Education
  • Primm, Ethel Mundy 1913-1914 Music-Piano
  • Prindl, Frank J. 1939-1944 Music
  • Pritchard, Leland James 1938-1940 Business-Economics
  • Proffitt, Max Arthur 1950-1952 Biology
  • *Provan, James Graham 1968-1997 History
  • Provensen, Marthin Christian 1923-1926 Music-Voice
  • Prust, George 1990-1991 Business-Management
  • Przyjcmski, Kristina 2000-2001 Music (part-time)
  • Puckett, Joseph W. 1973-1979 Business-Economics
  • Purvis, David F. 1978-1980 Business-Accounting
  • Putnam, Elizabeth Wilson 1912-1917 Art

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  • Quigg, Claudia 1984-1986, 1997- Education
  • Quimby, Anne 1968-1970 Music
  • Quinn, Stephanie 1999- Provost
  • Quintrell, Joyce 1970-1972 Modern Languages

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  • Raab, George 1923-1938 Art
  • Rachowicz, Robert J. 1971-1972 Business-Accounting
  • Rademaker, Emmaline 1947-1951 Home Economics
  • Raiman, Melvyn L. 1979-1981 Music
  • Ralin, Dennise 1979-1984 Biology
  • Rammelsberg, Anne 1994- Chemistry
  • Ramsey, Joe 1975-1996 Physical Education
  • Randall, Rodney J. 1966-1968 Mathematics
  • Randle, Leslie B. 1975-1986 Physical Education
  • Randolph, David Francis 1935-1936 Mathematics
  • Ransom, James Harvey 1921-1941 Chemistry
  • Rask, Perry 1995- Music
  • Rathmann, Franz H. 1929-1931 Chemistry
  • Rauff, James V. 1988- Mathematics
  • Rayburn, George Marvin 1949-1952 Business-Administration
  • Record, Charles F. 1905-1906 Music-Bands
  • Record, Grace 1922-1923 Music-Voice
  • Redlich, Velda Gerber 1945-1946 Business
  • Reed, Joyce 1990-1995 Sociology
  • Reed, Nelle 1903-1904 English
  • Reep, Samuel N. 1907-1908 Business
  • Reeves, John D. 1962-1965 English
  • Reichenbach, Liselotte 1961-1964 Modern Languages
  • Reid, Ann 1990-1991 Music
  • Reilly, Leandra 1979-1980 Physical Education
  • Reiter, Jennifer 2000-2001 Dance (part-time)
  • Reiter, Joceyln 1976-1978 Music
  • Rentfro, Randall 1990-1996 Business-Accounting
  • Requarth, Connie 1979-1981 Nursing
  • Requarth, Esther 1914-1926 Music-Kindergarten
  • Reyman, Randall G. 1982- Music-Brass
  • Rhodes, Esther Gard 1930-1932 Art
  • Rhyne, Edith 1927-1929 Home Economics
  • Rice, Howard D. 1949-1957 Business
  • Rice, Rebecca 1973-1978 Communications
  • Richards, Diane 1987-1988 Physical Education
  • Richards, Will 1963-1965 Modern Languages
  • Richeson, John Jacob 1922-1926 Education
  • Ricketts, Mac L. 1964-1965 Religion
  • Riddle, Opal Dean 1914-1917 Home Economics
  • Rieck, Ruth 1964-1965 English
  • Rieken, Elizabeth 1977-1978 Modern Languages-French
  • Riley, Elmer A. 1908-1913 Business
  • Riley, Grace 1918-1919 Biology-Assistant
  • Rinchiuso, Angelo P. 1998- Physical Education
  • Ripper, Theodore 1967-1976 Music
  • Risley, Walter John 1910-1922 Mathematics
  • Rivers, Mary J. 1989- Communications
  • Robbins, Emma Bates 1915-1925 Art
  • Roberts, Ernest E. 1918-1919 Speech
  • Roberts, Robert 1969-1970 Mathematics
  • Roberts, Robert H. 1957-1958 Political Science
  • Roberts, Ruth L. 1945-1946 Secretarial Science
  • Robertson, Ed 1998- Biology
  • Robertson, Marianne 1994- Biology
  • Robinson, Myles Elliott 1930-1945 Business-Economics
  • Robinson, Sherry 1987-1994 Nursing
  • Robison, Frances L. 1961-1972 Library-Circulation
  • Roche, John W. 1956-1957 Mathematics
  • Rocke, Donald 1969-1984 Business-Marketing
  • Rockhold, Darren 1998-1999, 2000- Communications
  • Rodetis, George A. 1973-1974 Art
  • Rodgers, Guy R. 1913-1914 Engineering
  • Rodgers, Harold Pitman 1926-1929 Mathematics
  • Rodgers, Ruth 1926-1927 Music-Piano
  • Rodriguez, Lee 1962-1963 Physics
  • Roenker, Daniel L. 1974-1976 Psychology
  • Rogers, Jacqueline 1966-1967 Modern Lang.- Spanish
  • Rogers, James D. 1903-1913 Ancient Languages
  • Rogers, Michael P. 1998- Computer Science
  • Rogers, Ora Belle 1908-1914, 1915-1918 Music-Piano
  • Rogers, Ralph 1946-1951 Engineering
  • Rogers, Terry L. 1989-1990 Theatre
  • Rollefson, Arthur Melvin 1941-1944 Secretarial Science
  • Rollins, David 1970-1971 Biology
  • Romano, Katherine 1974-1977, 1978-1979 Library-Circulation
  • Romberg, Dorothy 1990-1998 Writing Center Specialist
  • Rominger, Roger 1968-1970 Psychology
  • Rooker, Robert Lewis 1955-1958 Religion
  • Rose, Edith 1936-1967 Music-Piano
  • Ross, Carol 1972-1978 Modern Lang.- German
  • Ross, Charles 1959-1962 Physical Education
  • *Ross, Flora Emma 1924-June 1959 Modern Languages
  • Ross, Frances L. 1933-1936 Home Economics
  • Ross, Joan L. 1960-1962 Mathematics
  • Ross, Sarah 1979-1980 Psychology
  • Rotz, Vera 1943-1945 Secretarial Science
  • Roucher, Nancy 1974-1977, 1978-1979 English
  • Rouse, John Edward 1908-1910, 1913-1917 Philosophy/Education
  • Rowland, David L. 1976-1981 Psychology
  • Roy, Edward H. 1941-1943 Physical Education
  • Royce, Florence D. 1922-1947 Music-Kindergarten
  • Rozema, Hazel J. 1988-1996 Communications
  • Ruffner-Russell, Linda 1987-1988 Art
  • Ruger, A. Nelson, IV 1997-2000 Theatre
  • Rugg, Harold, Ordway 1909-1912 Engineering
  • Russell, Hal G. 1957-1961 Chemistry/Physics
  • Russell, Joyce 1992-1994 Modern languages
  • Russell, Melinda 1992-1993 Music
  • Russo-Sloan, Annette 1987-1984, 1995- Art
  • Ryan, Everett E. 1979-1981 Geography

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  • Sabaini, David 1979-1980 Communications
  • Sack, David 1993-1994 Computer Science
  • Sadow, Harvey Jr. 1971-1973 Fine Arts
  • Sagar, Aparajita 1990-1991 English
  • Sager, Nellie Jo 1946-1948 English
  • St. James, James 1986- Psychology
  • Salmi, Lyle 1996- Art
  • Salzman, Gale 1990-1991 Education
  • Samec, Ronald G. 1993-1996 Physics
  • Sampson, Pamela 1990-1993 Communication
  • Sampson, Robert 2000-2001 History (part-time)
  • Samuelson, Sheryl J. 1991- Nursing
  • Sanders, Gladys Elizabeth 1922-1923 Physical Education
  • Sanders, R. Zink 1922-1927 Diseases, Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat
  • Sanderson, David 1964-1966 English
  • Sandoval, Patricia R. 1968-1980 English
  • Sands, Joseph C. 1982-1984 Theater & Dance
  • Sanner, John 1990-1991 Business-Law
  • Sanner, Samuel 1948-1949 Music-Piano
  • Sappington, Warren A. 1958-1964, 1968-1977 Business
  • Sarr, Vera C. 1951-1954 Home Economics
  • Saure, Mabeth 1966-1968 Music
  • Schaar, Shashana 1961-1976 Business
  • Schaefer, Ann 1993-1994 Art
  • Schaefer, Edward C. 1903-1904 Music-Piano
  • Schaefer, Ronald 1969-1970 Chemistry
  • Scheinman, Murial 1972-1973 Art
  • Schenbeck, Lawrence 1985-1988 Music
  • Schenbeck, Rosalyn 1985-1988 Music
  • Schepper, Linda 1955-1957 Music-Piano
  • Schepper, Steve 2000-2001 Music (part-time)
  • Scherer, Mary Catherine 1948-1950 Physical Education
  • Schietinger, James 1978- Art
  • Schietinger, Leah 1987-1988, 1990-1992, 1993-1996 Writing Center Specialist
  • Schilawski, Sara 1992-1999 Behavioral Sciences
  • Schiller, Scott S. 1983-1986 Communications
  • Schiltz, Shirley M. 1956-1958 Biology
  • Schinke-Llano, Linda 1989- English
  • Schinnenman, Dana 1974-1975 Music
  • Schlieper, Dorothy 1948-1950, 1957-1964, 1968-1973 Chemistry/Mathematics
  • Schmidt, Timothy 1996- Music
  • Schneller, Fred 1982-1984 English
  • Schoepfle, George Kern 1942-1944 Physics
  • Scholl, Herman F. 1949-1951 Music
  • Scholz, Jean Marie 1965-1971 Music
  • Schroeder, Virginia Arlene 1945-1946 Secretarial Science
  • Schroll, Mary Kathleen 1956-1965 Music-Piano
  • Schueler, Alma 1966-1970, 1974-1978 Physical Education
  • Schueler, Roger 1964-1986 Music
  • Schwalbach, John Jr. 2000- Business Management (part-time)
  • Scism, Thomas E. 1989-1990 Political Science
  • Scobie, William 1967-1969 Music
  • Scott, Allen H. 1959-1960 English
  • Scott, James B. 1980-1981 Business-Economics
  • Scott, Mary Ann 1990-1999 Music
  • Scott, Mary Chiles 1922-1923 Director of Nurses & Principal
  • Seailles, Heloise C. 1992-1993 Modern Languages
  • Seaney, Jimm 1987-April 1, 1996 WJMU Manager
  • Searles, Herbert Leon 1926-1930 Religion
  • Seeley, Marian E. 1930-1931 Music-Kindergarten
  • Seiler, David E. 1964-1965 Music
  • Seldomridge, Howard Garfield 1913-1917 Speech
  • Sell, Mike 1998-1999 English
  • Selvage, Watson 1922-1924 Education
  • Sethne, Janice 1978-1979 Communications
  • Sewell, Augusta 1907-1912 Music-Piano/harmony
  • Seyfried, Rosa Garcia 1983-1984, 1985-1986 Mathematics
  • Sexton, Melva 1992-1994 Music
  • Seymour, Louise 1912-1913 Music-Piano
  • Shackford, B.C. 1922-1924 Bacteriology/Clinical Pathology
  • Shafer, Marguerite 1919-1920 English
  • Shank, William 1980-1984 Business
  • Shanks, Mary D. 1978-1984 Nursing
  • Sharlow, Madame Myrna 1923-1925 Music-Voice/Opera
  • Shaw, Gary 1983- Music
  • Shaw, James B. 1903-1912 Mathematics/Engineering
  • Shaw, Kay 2000-2001 Music (part-time)
  • Shaw, Leslie M. 1923-1924 Engineering
  • Sheaff, Elisabeth Ting 1964-1968 Modern Languages
  • Sheldon, Ted P. 1970-1976 History
  • *Shell, Lester C. 1963-1978 Biology
  • Shelton, LeRoy R. 1961-1965 Modern Languages
  • *Shelton, Ronald M. 1960-1994 Mathematics
  • Shepherd, Barbara 1970-1978 Music
  • Shepherd, Mortimer M. 1909-1910 Engineering
  • Shepherd, Teresa 1978- English
  • Sheppard, Sandra 1968-1970 Library-Reference
  • Sherbenou, Angel R. 1965-1966 Music-Flute
  • Shere, Marie Orr 1928-1932, 1942-1944 Speech
  • Sherwood, George Ray 1928-1929, 1942-1944 Chemistry
  • Shetney, Orville B. 1948-1950 Music-Voice/Choir
  • Shields, Christina 2000- Music-Preparatory Department
  • Shinneman, Dana 1975-1980 Music
  • Shires, Brent 1993-1996 Music
  • Shomos, William 1992-1994 Music
  • Shroyer, Donald G. 1956-1962 Physical Education
  • Shull, Gary 1987-1988, 1992- Dance
  • Shull, Janice 1969-1970 Library
  • Shull, Steven A. 1968-1970 Political Science
  • Siegel, Philip 1980-1984 Business-Accounting
  • Sigfried, Alice 1967-1968 Music-Piano
  • Silberman, Helen 1960-1961 Library
  • Simcox, Shirley Ann 1951-1952 Physical Education
  • Simer, Stafford 1947-1948 Mathematics
  • Simon, Jeffrey 1969-1972 Speech
  • Simpson, Patrick L. 1968-1969 Music
  • Sims, Ronald H. 1977-1978 Library-Tech. Services
  • Siwe, Thomas 1963-1964 Music-Percussion
  • Skeet, Alicia 1934-1943 Music-Winds
  • Skidmore, James R. 1976-1979 Music
  • Skinner, Edna L. 1912-1917 Home Economics
  • Skinner, Margaret 1956-1957 Music-Piano
  • Skinner, Paul J. 1956-1964 Music-Theory/ Orchestra
  • Slagell, Linda M. 1987- Physical Education
  • Slayton, Deborah L. 1980- Nursing
  • Sloan, Chad 1998-2000 Physical Education
  • Sloatman, Danny 1987-1992 Music
  • Sluss, Sarah 1980-1985 Library
  • Sly, Thomas S. 1954-1955 Business
  • Smallwood, Doris Ellen Lyons 1931-1968, 1974-1976 Music-Piano
  • Smigelski, Leopold B. 1975-1984 Education
  • Smith, Charles R. 1992- Business-Accounting
  • Smith, Charles W. 1996-1997, 1998-1999 Business-Economics
  • Smith, C. Raimer 1925-1927 Bacteriology & Clinical Pathology
  • Smith, David Richard 1945-1952 Chemistry
  • Smith, Dorothy 1925-1927 Fine Arts
  • Smith, Douglas 1961-1963 Biology
  • Smith, Eileen 1990-1996 Theatre Design
  • Smith, Florence Gertrude 1912-1913 Music-Voice
  • Smith, George B. 1978-1980 Physics
  • Smith, Gerald 1999- Business- Management
  • *Smith, Glen R. 1946-1974 Business
  • Smith, Gregg W. 1986-1988 Political Science
  • Smith, Harry E. 1906-1912 Engineering
  • *Smith, Homer A., Jr. 1985-1997 Chemistry
  • Smith, James H. 1991-1996 Music
  • Smith, Kenneth W. 1978-1979 Mathematics
  • Smith, Lael M. 1960-1963 Religion
  • Smith, Lester B., Jr. 1951-1952 Business
  • Smith, Marc 1998- Physical Education
  • Smith, Nanette Guest 1946-1961 Home Economics
  • Smith, Neal 1999- Music
  • Smith, Robert Yale 1906-1907 Music-Piano
  • Smith, William Wilberforce 1909-1929 Business-Economics
  • Smithson, James 1969-1976 Biology
  • Snell, Madah May 1907-1912 Music-Piano
  • Snoeyenbos, Gordon Earl 1948-1952 Engineering
  • Snowberger, Stella R. 1923-1924 Nutrition, cookery
  • Snyder, Frederick E. 1929-1931 Music-Piano
  • Snyder, Gerald 1968-1969 Biology
  • Snyder, Lucie Hortense 1913-1914 Librarian
  • Snyder, Lynne G. 1986-1996 Dance
  • *Snyder, Wesley H. 1951-1982 Music-History/Voice
  • Snyder, William Erhart 1911-1918 Music-Piano Music Ed
  • Sobey, Mae 1918-1919 Business
  • Soden, E. Mary 1957-1959 Music
  • Solis, Adriano O. 1998-1999 Business
  • Songer, Larry 1978- Mathematics
  • Spaniol, Bill 1982-1984 Business-Data Processing
  • Sparks, Margaret Rose 1946-1964 Secretarial Science
  • Spence, Christine 1917-1922 Fine Arts
  • Spencer, M. Dana 1972-1973 Music
  • Spencer, Robert E. 1966-1970 Music
  • Spires, Margaret 1996-1998 Modern Languages
  • Spragens, William C. 1965-1967 Political Science
  • Springer, Fern Kaufman 1924-1927 Home Economics
  • Springer, P. Gregory 1977-1980, 1982-1984 English
  • Squiers, David Ellicott? 1949-1954 Art
  • Squiers, Steven J. 1976-1980 Music
  • Stacy, Walter M. 1955-1957 Psychology
  • Stanley, Ethel 1987-1996 Biology
  • Stanley, Henry Clay 1908 Business
  • Stanley, Otis O. 1923-1927 Nervous & Mental Health
  • Stanley, William 1980-1982 Music
  • Stapleton, Larry E. 2001- Business
  • Stark, Saidee Ethel 1932-1936 Home Economics
  • Starr, Grace 1919-1920 Music-Piano
  • Stauder, Marie 1992-1993 Nursing
  • Steele, Ava D. 1907-1907 Music
  • Steinbergs, Zigrids 1959-1961 Modern Languages
  • Stellway, Richard 1967-1969 Sociology
  • Steltman, Robert 1992-1995 English
  • Stengel, Jon F. 1955-1956 Business-Accounting
  • Stenett-Brewer, Linda 1985-1986 Psychology
  • Stephenson, Larry G. 1977-1978 Physics
  • Sterns, Robin K. 1997- English
  • Stettner, Diana 1994-2000 Music
  • Stevens, Linda 1979- Nursing
  • Stevens, Margaret E. 1997-2000 Music
  • Stevens, Ruth A. 1909-1912 Home Economics
  • Stevenson, William Clarence 1904-1908 Business
  • Stevenson, Wilma J. 1924-1927 Dietetics/Chemistry
  • Stewart, Roy 1992-1993 Business-Economics
  • Stilwell, Catherine 1957-1967 Music-Piano
  • Stine, Leo C. 1948-1952 History & Political Science
  • Stoa, Heather 1990-1996 Communications
  • Stokes, Jeffery 1980-1985 Modern Languages
  • Stoller, Eleanor 1972-1973 Behavioral Sciences
  • Stoller, Michael A. 1970-1973 Business
  • Stone, Terry 1993-2000 Music
  • Stone, Thompson 1907-1909 Music-Piano/Organ
  • Storey, Thomas G. 1958-1962 Engineering
  • Strahl, Margaret 1957-1965 Music-Piano
  • Straka, Joseph 1985-1986 Writing Center Specialist
  • Stratton, Rose 1912-1913 Music-Piano
  • Stringer, James 1977-1979 Physical Education
  • Stuart, James 1975-1977 Biology
  • Stuart, John 1969-1970 Biology Assistant
  • Stum, Brandt 1990-1991 Modern Languages
  • Stupple, Jesse 1967-1968 History
  • Sullivan, D. Michael 1990-1991 Modern languages
  • Sullivan, William H. 1963-1964 English
  • Super, Joel 1992-1994 English
  • Surphlis, Ross 1966-1967 Modern Languages
  • Susler, Marshall 1974-1975 Business
  • Sutherd, Calvin Eugene 1924-1926, 1938-1945 Physical Education
  • Sutherland, Minnie 1925-1927 Nursing/Tuberculosis
  • Sutton, William 1959-1961 Chemistry
  • Sutton-Ramspeck, Beth 1995-1998 English
  • Swarthout, Donald Malcolm 1914-1923 Music
  • Swarthout, Max van Lewen 1914-1923 Music
  • Swarts, Valerie R. 1981-1985 Communications
  • Sweeney, Barbara 1979-1981 Nursing
  • Sweeney, Ruth 1925-1927 Public Health
  • Syford, Constance 1918-1919 English
  • Szabo, Laverne 1946-1948 Chemistry

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  • Tait, Susanne E. 1903-1904 Music-Piano
  • Talbot, Jarold 1946-1960 Art
  • Talbot, Vernon 1990-1992, 1998-1999 Business-Management
  • Talbot, Jean Howe 1948-1950, 1958-1959 Art
  • Tauber, Oscar Ernest 1931-1932 Biology
  • 1901-1913, 1915-1919 President
  • Taylor, Clarence 1946-1947 Mathematics
  • Taylor, Dale L. 1968-1970 Biology
  • Taylor, Max F. 1960-1962 Art
  • Taylor, Myron W. 1965-1969 English
  • Tearnan, C.H. 1922-1923 Surgical Nursing
  • Temples, Gerald G. 1989-1996 Physical Education
  • Tenison, Eda Marie 1917-1919 Home Economics
  • TeVault, R. Kent 1969-1974 Psychology
  • Tevlin, Judy 1974-1975 Dance
  • Tevlin, Michael 1972-1975 Dance
  • Thistlethwaite, Judy 2000-2001 Education (part-time)
  • Thistlethwaite, Vern 1992-1994 Biology
  • Thomas, Clare John 1925-1926 Music-Voice
  • Thomas, Ruth B. 1951-1954 Biology
  • Thompson, Bernard Winchester (Carpenter) 1920-1922 Chemistry
  • Thompson, Gertrude 1904-1905 Music-Piano
  • Thompson, Herbert G. 1948-1950 Business
  • Thompson, Hugo 1971-1974 Philosophy
  • Thompson, John Alex 1945-1946 Music-Band
  • Thompson, Robert W. 1973-1974 Theater
  • Thomson, Denis 1985-1986 Political Science
  • Thorson, Theodore 1961-1966 Music
  • Thursby, Alan 2000-2001 Communication (part-time)
  • Tibbets, Charles Byron 1915-1917 Mathematics
  • Tichenor, Lee 1979-1986 Biology
  • Tiebout, Harry Jr. 1974-1975 Philosophy
  • *Tiede, Russell 1968-1993 Music
  • Tietz, Margot 1968-1970 Modern Languages
  • Tilley, Wesley H. 1964-1968 English
  • Tillson, Merl W. 1952-1953 Speech
  • Tinch, Phillip E. 1982-1984 Mathematics
  • Toepfer, Conrad 1999- Biology
  • Tokareva-Parker, Karina 2000- History
  • Toman, Cheryl 1999- Modern Languages- French
  • Tomlinson, Richard 1993-1998 Writing Center Specialist
  • Tompkins, Kenneth D. 1965-1968 English
  • Tompkins, Nancy 1966-1967 Education
  • Tough, Alice Ruth 1922-1924 Fine & Applied Arts
  • *Tower, A. Wesley 1981-1/1/1995 Dean of Fine Arts
  • Townsend, Lowell Leslie 1923-1925 Music
  • Townsend, Rob 1998- Physical Education
  • Townsend, Verna Kerker 1923-1925 Music-Violin
  • Townsley, Fred Delzell 1915-1932 Physics
  • Tracy, Gretchen 1977-1979 Music
  • Traum, Harry E., IV 1998-2000 Theatre & Dance
  • Traum, Kimberly 2000-2001 Theatre & Dance (part-time)
  • Trautman, Jeannette 1909-1912 Music-Voice
  • Travis, Dennis M. 1978-1979 Dean 鈥 Arts & Sciences
  • *Travis Gigante, Elizabeth 1945-1972 Music-Piano
  • Troop, Harry W. 1947-1948 Zoology
  • Trumbo, Grace Kathryn 1935-1947 Home Economics
  • Trzbiatowski, Elanie 1979-1980 Library-Reference
  • Turitz, Leo E. 1964-1965 Religion
  • Tuttelton, June 1969-1970 English
  • Tyler, Ansel Augustus 1916-1922 Biology
  • Tyler, Linda 1985-1994 History
  • Tyler, Rayen Welch 1931-1932 Physics

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  • Ulbrich, Patricia 1982-1984 Sociology
  • Ulmer, Ronald 1978-1984 Business-Economics
  • Unger, Paul 1955-1958 Education/Psychology

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  • *Van Dyke, Annette 1926, 1936, 1940-1967 Dance
  • Vance, Catherine Stuart 1911-1912 English
  • Vandervoort, Alleyne B. 1956-1959 Library
  • Varner, Homer Stratton Jr. 1944-1945 Business-Economics
  • Varnum, William H. 1903-1912 Art
  • Veal, Lary 1976-1977 Music- Cello
  • Veon, Leslie 1984-1985 Business-Law
  • Verkruyse, Peter 1993-1994 Communications
  • Verry, D. Rene 1984- Psychology
  • Via, David 1987-1988 Music
  • *Vicars, Robert E. 1968-1997 Modern Languages-French
  • Viele, Daniel 1981-1988 Business-Accounting
  • VisGirda, Rimas T. 1973-1978 Art-Ceramics
  • Voelcker, Pauline 1959-1965 Home Economics
  • Vogl, Mary B. 1998-2000 Modern Languages
  • Voisin, Margaret 1981-1986 Physical Education
  • Vorder Bruegge, Andrew 1987-1988 Communications/Theater

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  • Wagner, Charlotte 1964-1966 English
  • Wagus, Jess 1971-1972 Modern Languages
  • Wahl, Kirby R. 1996- Theater
  • Wait, Robert Abel 1927-1928 Chemistry
  • Wakefield, Kirk L. 1989-1991 Business-Marketing
  • Wald, Arthur Emanuel 1918-1924 Modern Languages
  • Waldera, Gerald 1962-1967 History
  • Walker, Edwin G. 1993- Art
  • Walker, John 1990-1993 Music
  • Walker, Kim 1980-1984 Communications-WJMU
  • Walker, Willis Harry 19467-1967, 1968-1970 History
  • Wallgren, Cheryl 1978-1981 Mathematics
  • Wallgren, Thomas G. 1976-1981 Mathematics
  • Walsh, Mary 1968-1970 Mathematics
  • Walsh, Tom 1992-1993 Music
  • Walter, Robert 1909-1929 Music-Band
  • Walter, Robert, Jr. 1926-1927 Music-Violin
  • Walters, Ruth 1926-1932 Music-Piano
  • Walvoord, Linda R. 1966-1968 English
  • Wandel, Grace Taylor 1909-1919 Music-Piano
  • Wann, Norman Gillespie 1915-1923 Physical Education
  • Warner, Earl Everett 1931-1932 History & Political Science
  • Warner, Glenn Yost 1917-1918 Speech
  • Warren, Josh 1997-2000 Physical Education
  • Wasson, Iva Ingersoll 1917-1924 Music-Piano
  • Wasson, Nellie Lois 1912-1916 Music-vocal
  • Waterman, Lois Beem 1922-1923 Home Economics
  • Watkins, Jane 1993-1998 English
  • Watkins, Robert H. 1953-1959 Music-Music Education
  • Watson, James 1979- Business-Economics
  • Watson, Linda 2000-2001 Physical Education (part-time)
  • Watson, Marsha 1999-2000 Visiting Asst. Prof. Of English
  • *Weatherbee, Carl 1952-1982 Chemistry
  • Weatherford, Elizabeth Hawkins 1946-1951 Biology
  • Weaver, Loren E. 1970-1976 Physics
  • Webb, Gail 1968-1975 Music-Piano
  • Weber, Gustave Albert 1922-1924 Physical Education
  • Weeder, Roy 1970-1971 Art
  • Weese, Asa Orrin 1922-1924 Biology
  • Wehrle, Gail 1998- Nursing
  • Weigel, Virginia 1948-1951 Biology
  • Weinzierl, James 1980-1981 Sociology
  • Weir, Mary Jean 1959-1960 Library
  • Welch, Ann Louise 1933-1936 Music-Kindergarten
  • Welden, Arthur L. 1954-1955 Biology
  • Welliver, Harry B. 1956-1960 Music
  • Wells, Charles C. 1912-1913 Mathematics
  • Wells, Marshall 1940-1948 Physical Education
  • Wenger, Paul 1964-1966 Speech
  • Werner, Norman 1958-1964 Music-Violin
  • Wessler, Carol 1963-1964, 1967-1969 Music-Piano
  • Westcot, Lynn B. 1978-1985 Nursing
  • Westerman, Ralph 1946-1947 Mathematics
  • Westlund, Ernest H. 1957-1958 Chemistry
  • Wheeler, Gilbert Vernon 1943-1944 Physics
  • Whitacker, Nancy 1987-1988 Music
  • White, Jesse Hayes 1930-1934 President
  • White, Kay B. 1998- Social Work
  • White, Marie Frances 1909-1910 Music-Voice
  • Wickline, William 1975-1977 Physical Education
  • Widenhofer, Stephen B. 1983- Music
  • Wieman, Barbara 1969-1972 Music-Piano
  • Wigell, Wayne W. 1957-1958 Education
  • *Wiggs, Halice 1957-1975 Education
  • Wilde, James A. 1976-1979 Religion
  • Wilensky, Shirley 1977-1978 Music
  • Wiley, Elizabeth Cecelia Bryson 1933-1936 Home Economics
  • Wihite, Stephen C. 1981-1984 Psychology
  • Wilkes, James Thomas 1922-1923 Business
  • Wilkinson, Harold L. 1978- Biology
  • Will, Fred 1962-1963 Physical Education
  • Willliams, Bessie Stone 1910-1912 Music-Piano
  • Williams, Don 1962-1969 Physical Education
  • Williams, Dorotha Viletta 1943-1947 Library
  • Williams, Gloria 1971-1972, 1982-1985 English
  • Williams, Harriet 1987-1992 Music
  • Williams, Kenneth 1962-1964 Biology
  • Williams, Mark 1987-1994 Music
  • Williams, Mary Elizabeth 1954-1955 Speech
  • Williams, N. Dwayne 1968-1971 Sociology
  • Williams, Rolland Franklin 1923-1924 Physical Education
  • Williams, Rosemary 1996-2000 Music
  • Williams, Terry S. 1975-1982 Theater
  • *Williams, William L. 1957-1998 Engineering
  • Williams, Mary Blanch 1935-1937 Music-Kindergarten
  • Wilson, Albert Harry 1927-1929 Biology
  • Wilson, Della Ford 1914-1916 Art
  • Wilson, Elighie, II 1996-2000 Communications
  • Wilson, Frances Elizabeth 1944-1958 Engineering
  • Wilson, Peter 1969-1971 Philosophy
  • Wilson, Ruth 1969-1970 Speech
  • Wilson, Susan Jane 1922-1924 Home Economics
  • Wilt, Donald 1946-1947 Mathematics
  • *Wing, W. Edward 1958-1976 Religion
  • Winings, Margaret 1956-1960 Music
  • Winn, Paul R. 1976-1978 Business-Marketing
  • Winter, Ian James 1967-1970 Modern languages
  • Winterbottom, James G. 1903-1904 Physical Education
  • Witchie, Hazel 1912-1913 English
  • Wittenauer, Darlene Harshbarger 1965-1994 Dance
  • Wolbrueck, Vinette (Mahal) 1979-1981 Communications
  • Wolf, Charles 1964-1968 Sociology
  • Wolfe, J. Howard 1949-1950 Insurance
  • Wolfe, Jane 1990-1991 Art
  • Wollan, Laurin 鈥淟arry鈥 A. 1962-1964 History & Political Science
  • Woller, Amy Rosella 1924-1927 Art
  • Wolter, William T. 鈥淭ed鈥 1978-1985 Art
  • Wood, Annetta L. 1926-1928 Speech
  • Wood, Charlene Fender 1913-1944 English
  • Wood, C. Martin 1922-1927 Medical Diseases
  • Wood, Thomas W. 1961-1963 Music-Percussion
  • Woodley, Dennis 1973-1974 Chemistry
  • Woodruff, Eugene Cyrus 1904-1913 Electrical Engineering
  • Woods, Galen 1973-1988 Physical Education
  • Woodward, C.E. 1922-1927 Communicable Diseases
  • Wright, Douglas 1910-1912 Music-Piano
  • Wright, John 1996-2000 Art
  • Wuethele, George B. 1970-1972 English
  • Wygant, David M. 1961-1964 Music-Flute

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  • YaDeau, Lois 1976, 1978- Music
  • YaDeau, William Ronald 1978-1979, 1980- Music
  • Yakel, Ralph 1934-1949 Education
  • Yeadon, Eva Pearl 1992-1993 Music
  • Yearwood, Richard M. 1961-1962 History
  • Yenser, Jon Kelly 1969-1972 English
  • Yenser, Pamela 1970-1971 English
  • Yoder, Lavon L. 1963-1965 Physics
  • Yonan, Edward A. 1979- Religion
  • Young, Anthony 1981-1991 Physical Education
  • Young, Earlie M. 1993-1994 Nursing
  • Young, James Ira 1943-1944 Business
  • Young, Olive Minerva 1919-1932 Home Economics
  • Young, William Ernest 1924-1926 Speech

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  • Zayac, Jerold 1964-1965 Speech
  • Zebrowski, Jim 2000-2001 Asst. Football Coach
  • Zemke, Douglas E. 1998-2001 Business
  • Zimmerly, Isabelle 1968-1973 Business
  • Zimmerman, Erich Walter 1919-1922 Business
  • Zimmerman, John Corbin 1931-1945 Chemistry
  • Zoldessy, Brian 1987-1991 Theater

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