Lincoln Land Community College Transfer Students

millikin and lincoln land CC partnership
  • Millikin University is pleased to announce a new transfer partnership with Lincoln Land Community College (LLCC) in Springfield, Ill.

    This partnership between Millikin and LLCC will allow for a seamless transfer experience between our two institutions. Students who have successfully completed an Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), Associate in Fine Arts (AFA), or Associate in Engineering Science (AES) at LLCC with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 will be automatically accepted into a Millikin baccalaureate degree program and provided a plan of study that will enable them to complete their Millikin degree in two years.

  • 2 Years Millikin Bachelor's Degree Completion
    100% University Studies Requirement Met
  • How does this new partnership benefit LLCC transfer students?

    • LLCC students transferring to Millikin with a completed AA, AS, AFA or AES will have completed 100% of ºÚÁÏÕýÄÜÁ¿ University Studies requirements.
    • Students who transfer with completed associate’s degrees will be able to complete their Millikin bachelor’s degree in two years, provided they are enrolled full time (12-18 credits per semester).
    • Students who have successfully met the requirements of the LLCC Honors Program are guaranteed automatic acceptance into the James Millikin Honors Scholars Program upon application.
    • This agreement is effective beginning the 2024-25 academic year.


    Upon successful completion of an AA, AS, AFA, AES with a 2.0 cumulative GPA, transfer students can successfully complete the following programs in two years (four semesters):

  • General Program Articulation

    After completing an AA, AS, AFA, or AES at LLCC, transfer students can complete the following Millikin University bachelor’s degree programs in two years (four semesters) with full-time enrollment of at least 15 credits per semester, regardless of specific prior coursework at LLCC:

  • Specific Program Articulation

  • Transfer students can complete the following Millikin University bachelor’s degree programs in two years (four semesters) with full-time enrollment of at least 15 credits per semester, presuming the required courses are completed as part of the AA, AS or AES (specific LLCC courses are noted for each Millikin program):

    Millikin Program

    LLCC Courses Required

    Additional Notes

    Accounting (B.S.)**ACC 103, ACC 104, ACC 201, CSC 105 or CAS 140, BUS 121, ECO 131, ECO 132, ENG 106, MAT 140C or better: ACC 201
    Agribusiness (B.S.)AGR 101, AGR 102, AGR 105, AGR 109, BUS 121 
    Applied Statistics (B.S.)MAT 131, MAT 132, MAT 215, MAT 233, CSC 170 

    Arts Technology (B.S.)* with one of the following concentrations:

    ART 102, ART 204, ART 205 or ART 208 

    Arts Technology (B.S.) with the following concentration:

     Must take MC 104 in the summer term before starting Millikin in the fall and take a 300/400-level elective at Millikin in the summer or over January to complete the sequence in two years.
    Biochemistry (B.S.)BIO 111, BIO 112, CHE 101, CHE 102, CHE 201, CHE 202, MAT 131, MAT 132 
    Biology — Life Science Track (B.S.)BIO 111, CHE 101, CHE 102, MAT 113, PHY 101, PHY 102, MAT 141 
    Chemistry (B.S.)CHE 101, CHE 102, CHE 201, CHE 202, MAT 131, MAT 132 
    Computer Science (B.S.)CSC 170, CSC 270, MAT 131, MAT 132, MAT 220, MAT 215 
    Cybersecurity (B.S.)CSC 100, CSC 105 or CAS 140, CSC 125, ECO 110 or ECO 132, MAT 220 
    Digital Marketing (B.S.)**ACC 103, ACC 104, BUS 202, CSC 105 or CAS 140, BUS 121, ECO 131, ECO 132, ENG 106, MAT 140 
    Engineering Science (B.S.)***MAT 131, MAT 132, MAT 233, MAT 235, CSC 170, CHE 101, PHY 201, PHY 202 
    English Education (B.A.)

    Must transfer in at least nine English credits from the following (three credits from each area):

    Area 1: EGL 210 or EGL 211

    Area 2: EGL 150 or EGL 151

    Area 3: EGL 222

    Area 4: EGL 103 or EGL 106


    Must transfer in at least six credits from the following list:

    1.  EDU 201

    2.  EDU 215

    3.  PSY 220


    Must complete HIS 111 or HIS 112

    Must earn a C- or better in all courses


    Exercise Science (B.S.)BIO 175, BIO 176 or BIO 201, CHE 100 or CHE 101, HLT 201, PSY 101, PSY 220, MAT 141 
    Exercise Science-MSAT (B.S.)BIO 175, BIO 176 or BIO 201, CHE 100 or CHE 101, HLT 201, PSY 101, PSY 220, MAT 141C or better: BIO 175, BIO 176, BIO 201, CHE 100, CHE 101
    Finance (B.S.)**ACC 103, ACC 104, BUS 101, BUS 231, CSC 105 or CAS 140, BUS 121, ECO 131, ECO 132, ENG 106, MAT 140 
    Graphic Design(B.F.A.)ART 102, ART 204, ART 205 or ART 208 
    Management (B.S.)**ACC 103, ACC 104, ACC 201, CSC 105 or CAS 140, BUS 121, ECO 131, ECO 132, ENG 106, MAT 140 
    Management Information Systems (B.S.)**ACC 103, ACC 104, CSC 105 or CAS 140, CSC 125, BUS 121, ECO 131, ECO 132, ENG 106, MAT 140C or better: CSC 105 or CAS 140
    Mathematics (B.S.)MAT 131, MAT 132, MAT 215, MAT 233, MAT 235 
    Music Business (B.A., B.S.)ECO 131 or ECO 132, ACC 103 
    Physical Education (B.S.)BIO 175, BIO 176, HLT 201, PSY 101, PSY 220 

    *Optional/recommended courses which would ensure the most seamless pathway to program completion

    **Programs in the Tabor School of Business; it is recommended to complete as many of the Tabor Core equivalent courses as possible: ACC 103, ACC 104, CSC 105, BUS 121, BUS 202, ECO 131, ECO 132, MAT 141. Not completing 100/200 level courses in the Tabor Core may not necessarily hinder completion in two years.

    ***If Engineering Science students complete an AES, they can complete a bachelor’s in Engineering Science in two years.

  • Transfer students can complete the following Millikin University bachelor’s degree programs in two years (four semesters) with full-time enrollment of approximately 15 credits per semester, presuming the required courses are completed as part of the AFA:

    Millikin Program

    LLCC AFA Completed

    Other Notes

    Art (B.A.) with Studio Art CertificateAFA in Studio ArtÌý

    Arts Technology (B.S.) with the following concentration:

    ÌýMust take MC 104 in the summer term before starting Millikin in the fall and take a 300/400-level elective at Millikin in the summer or over January to complete the sequence in two years.
    Commercial Music (B.M.)AFA in Music

    Audition into the School of Music and proficiency exam required to complete the sequence in two years.


    Must take MC 104 in the summer term before starting Millikin in the fall to complete the sequence in two years.

    Graphic Design (B.F.A.)AFA in Studio ArtÌý
    Music (B.A.)AFA in MusicAudition into the School of Music required.
    Music Business (B.M.)AFA in MusicAudition into the School of Music required for the B.M. Not required for the B.A. or B.S. in Music Business.
  • Transfer students can complete the Millikin University bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity in two years (four semesters) with full-time enrollment of approximately 15 credits per semester, presuming the required courses are completed as part of the AAS:

    Millikin Program

    LLCC AAS Completed

    Other Notes

    Cybersecurity (B.S.)AAS in Computer ScienceMust take the following courses: CSC 105 or CAS 140, CSC 131, CSC 150, CSC 242, CSC 250, EGL 101, EGL 102, EGL 106
  • Do you wish to transfer but don’t yet have an associate’s degree? Talk to your Student Success Coach about reverse transfer opportunities that may allow you to transfer Millikin credits to earn an associate’s degree.