Millikin Arts Technology students garner accolades at American Advertising Awards

Arts Technology Students take home ADDY Awards for Fifth Consecutive Year

Millikin campus

Arts Technology Students take home ADDY Awards for Fifth Consecutive Year

For a fifth consecutive year, Millikin University arts technology students were recognized for their creative excellence receiving regional-level (ADDY) from the American Advertising Federation (AAF) Northern Illinois chapter this past February.

In addition to individual student accolades, Millikin's English and Arts Technology & Administration Departments received a Bronze ADDY Award for the Spring 2021 issue of BURST magazine–a full-fledged student publication. Millikin student-run venture 1901 Productions also won two Silver ADDY Awards for film entertainment pieces titled "Loss of Self" and "Dissociate."

The American Advertising Awards is one of the industry's largest creative competitions, attracting nearly 35,000 professional and student entries each year through local club competitions. The mission of the American Advertising Awards is to recognize and reward the spirit of creative excellence in advertising.

This year, Millikin students submitted their work in the American Advertising Federation Northern Illinois regional competition and received one Gold ADDY, three Silver ADDYs and two Bronze ADDYs. A Gold ADDY recognizes the highest level of creative excellence. Entries that are also considered outstanding and worthy of recognition receive a Silver ADDY.

Anne Longman, a senior arts technology major from Park Ridge, Ill., won a Gold ADDY in video storytelling for her project "Our Sweet Road" and a Bronze ADDY for her Millikin Cross Country photography project.

"Our Sweet Road" by Anne Longman

Ryan Judd, a senior arts technology major from Illiopolis, Ill., took home a Silver ADDY for his photo "Companions of Midnight," while Zach Cook, a senior arts technology major from Taylorville, Ill., won two Silver ADDYs for his photos and cinematography "Noir" and "Reflections."

"Reflections by Zach Cook

Claire Eppley, a senior arts technology major from Springfield, Ill., won a Bronze ADDY for a motion graphics animation created to be used as an animated logo bump for Pipe Dreams Studio Theatre.

"We've been competing in the American Advertising Awards since 2016 and every year we've won awards. It was great to see students bring about the technology and creative skill, and it really shows the type of students we have at Millikin, and the type of students involved in our student-run ventures," said Jessa Wilcoxen, associate professor and chair of Arts Technology & Administration at Millikin.

Works submitted for ADDY Awards are judged first at regional competitions and are scored by outside judges on a rubric. Because she received a Gold ADDY Award, the work of Anne Longman automatically moves on to the district competition where she will compete among students from Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. District ADDY winners compete on the national stage of the American Advertising Awards.

Photo by Anne Longman

Millikin student-run venture 1901 Productions creates films for groups and organizations around Millikin's campus and the surrounding Decatur, Ill., area. The company specializes in short films, music videos and more.

Millikin student-run publication "BURST" gives students the opportunity to combine learning the full process of publishing a magazine, from conception to printing, with pursuing the stories and art that touches their lives. Millikin's English Department offers internship opportunities for students to edit for "BURST" and work closely with the publication's faculty advisor, Dr. Julie Bates, to create the magazine. Student-run media firm Millikin Creates oversees the design process for the publication.

The Millikin School of Art & Creative Media's multidisciplinary approach gives students the benefits of traditional artistic practice across several mediums and the skills to craft creative media projects using innovative technologies. Students use creative skills and technical knowledge to explore exciting and innovative career paths. From art therapy and arts management to creative media communication and intermedia studio art, Millikin's has the tools students need to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry.