Sport & Recreation Management

Student balancing on an exercise ball
  • StudentSpotlight

    Although she came to tennis late when she found the sport in seventh grade, D dedicated her athletic life to it and hopes to coach the next generation of tennis players after her graduation from next spring with a Sports and Recreation degree


Program Highlights

The Sport & Recreation Management Major delivers a foundation of study in the sport and recreation industries, their products and services, and prepares students through active learning to effectively lead sport and recreation organizations. Our program prepares students for careers in:

  • College and Professional Sport Management
  • Athletic Administration
  • Municipal Recreation Manager
  • Event and Facility Management
  • Youth Sports Coordinator

Students will learn the business of sports through a combination of coursework from the School of Exercise Science & Sport and the Tabor School of Business.

The business core provides a broad spectrum of courses in specialized areas of the sport business community. The Sport & Recreation Management curriculum follows the recommendations of the .