Commitment to Diversity

Students in CIE

Millikin University is committed to creating a campus culture that respects and values diversity. At Millikin, diversity is seen in broad terms, including race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender, disability, national origin, religion, sexual orientation and age.

Millikin's new Strategic Plan includes an initiative to nurture a welcoming and inclusive campus environment:

We will take active steps to become a more inclusive and welcoming campus, ensuring that our campus culture and climate are fully aligned with our core values of inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility. We will seek to attract and retain diverse talent across campus and create a sense of belonging for all who are a part of our community.

  • Millikin campus

    Land Acknowledgment

    As an institution of higher learning, Millikin University has a responsibility to acknowledge the historical context in which it exists. Read More...

  • Through the recruitment of diverse students, staff, faculty and administrators and by creating an environment that values diversity, Millikin seeks to provide an engaged learning community in which diversity enhances the total educational experience. Millikin University is committed to:

    • Creating a diverse campus population,
    • Fostering a campus atmosphere where diversity is valued, and
    • Generating a campus learning community that embraces diversity.

    Millikin continually develops policies and procedures and allocates resources in ways consistent with these commitments. It is the policy of Millikin University to afford equal opportunity for all persons without distinction or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender, disability, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or age.

  • public safety

    Campus Conduct Hotline

    Occasionally, an individual may have a concern that he or she would like to express anonymously. For these occasions, Millikin University participates in a service called the Campus Conduct Hotline (CCH).

    Click Here to Learn More

  • Any person having inquiries concerning Millikin University鈥檚 compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI or section 504, may contact the Vice President for Business and Finance at Millikin University. Inquiries concerning Title IX may be directed to the NCAA Compliance Officer & Senior Women鈥檚 Administrator. Any person may also contact the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education regarding the institution鈥檚 compliance with regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX or section 504.

    Commitment to Diversity Brochure